

  • 個(gè)人(rén)資料
    • 部門: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院
    • 性别: 女(nǚ)
    • 專業技術職務: 晨晖學者/講師
    • 畢業院校: 北(běi)京師範大(dà)學
    • 學位: 博士
    • 學曆: 研究生
    • 聯系電話(huà):
    • 電子郵箱: nnzhou@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
    • 辦公地址: 華東師範大(dà)學田家炳樓117-2
    • 通(tōng)訊地址:
    • 郵編: 200062
    • 傳真:


    2020年8月(yuè)至今 華東師範大(dà)學 明(míng)園晨晖學者




    華東師範大(dà)學明(míng)園晨晖學者,北(běi)京師範大(dà)學臨床與咨詢方向博士,瑞士蘇黎世大(dà)學心理(lǐ)病理(lǐ)與臨床幹預方向聯合培養博士,2021年入選上海市浦江人(rén)才計劃。研究方向爲喪親與哀傷。目前發表SSCI/SCI/CSSCI論文30餘篇,主持國家社會科學基金青年項目、博士後面上項目若幹。擔任Clinical Psychology and PsychotherapyGlobal and Health、Psychological trauma theory research practice and policy等期刊審稿人(rén)。目前爲中國心理(lǐ)學會注冊系統心理(lǐ)師(倫理(lǐ)公示),主要采用(yòng)認知行爲療法進行工作,擅長(cháng)領域包括:臨終關懷與哀傷輔導,焦慮類心理(lǐ)困擾,輕中度抑郁,個(gè)人(rén)成長(cháng)議(yì)題等。









    1. 招生方向:心理(lǐ)障礙的(de)心理(lǐ)病理(lǐ)機制(如情緒調控過程)與臨床幹預。

    2. 招生範圍:2024級學術碩士、專業碩士,也(yě)歡迎感興趣的(de)本科生加入。









    1. 國家社會科學基金青年項目,2021.10-2024.9,主持。

    2. 上海市浦江人(rén)才計劃項目,2021.10-2024.9,主持。

    3. 博士後面上項目,2021.5-2023.5,主持。

    4. 上海市心理(lǐ)健康與危機幹預重點實驗室主任基金,2021.6-2022.12,主持。

    5. 國家社科重大(dà)項目2016.12至今,參與。


    Zhou, N.*, Wei, Y., Killikelly, C., Xu, X., Stelzer, E. M., Maercker, A., Xi, J.*, & Smith, K. V. (2023). The relationship between social acknowledgment and prolonged grief symptoms: a multiple mediation effect of beliefs about the goodness and controllability of grief-related emotions. European journal of psychotraumatology14(2), 2220633.

    Zhou, N.*, Smith, K. V., Stelzer, E., Maercker, A., Xi, J.*, & Killikelly, C. (2023). How the bereaved behave: a cross-cultural study of emotional display behaviours and rules. Cognition & emotion37(5), 1023–1039.

    Zhou, N.#*, Zhao, Y.#, Smith, K. V., Killikelly, C., Stelzer, E., Maercker, A., ... Xi, J.*, & Helm, P. J. (2023). Existential isolation and prolonged grief in bereaved people: The moderating role of culture. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.

    Zhou, N., Ren, F., Shi, G., & Wang, J. (2023). Understanding the Relationship Between Peer Support and Grief/Growth in Chinese Shidu Parents: The Roles of Internalized Stigma and Stigma Resistance. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 00302228231154844.

    Zhou, N., Wu, R., Xu, X., & Wang, J. (2022). Peer support experiences among Chinese parents who lost their only child: A qualitative study. Death Studies, 1-13.

    Zhou, N.*, Sun, Y., She, Z., Xu, X., Peng, Y., Liu, X.*, & Xi, J. (2022). Grief and growth among Chinese parents who lost their only child: the role of positive and negative experiences of social support from different sources. European Journal of Psychotraumatology13(1), 2079874.

    Yu, Z.*, Liang, J., Guo, L., Jiang, L., Wang, J. Y., Ke, M., ... , Zhou, N.*, & Liu, X.* (2022). Psychosocial Intervention on the Dual-Process Model for a Group of COVID-19 Bereaved Individuals in Wuhan: A Pilot Study. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 00302228221083067.

    Xu, X., Xie, T., Zhou, N., Shi, G., Wen, J., Wang, J., ... & Poppen, P. J. (2022). Network analysis of PGD, PTSD and insomnia symptoms in Chinese shidu parents with PGD. European journal of psychotraumatology13(1), 2057674.

    She, Z., Řiháček, T., Xu, J., Yang, W., Xu, D., Zhou, N., ... & Xi, J. (2022). Psychometric Evaluation of the Cooper–Norcross Inventory of Preferences–Therapist Version. Assessment, 10731911221118317.

    She, Z., Zhou, N., Li, D., Ren, S., Ji, W., & Xi, J. (2022). Does COVID-19 threat increase xenophobia? The roles of protection efficacy and support seeking. BMC Public Health22(1), 1-10.

    Xu, X., Wen, J., Zhou, N., Shi, G., Wang, J., & Skritskaya, N. A. (2021). Psychometric properties of a revised posttraumatic growth inventory and its short form in Chinese Shidu parents. Current Psychology, 1-11.

    Killikelly, C., Merzhvynska, M., Zhou, N., Stelzer, E. M., Hyland, P., Rocha, J., ... & Maercker, A. (2021). Examination of the new ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder guidelines across five international samples. Clinical Psychology in Europe3(1), 1-16.

    She, Z., Li, D., Zhang, W., Zhou, N., Xi, J., & Ju, K. (2021). Three Versions of the Perceived Stress Scale: Psychometric Evaluation in a Nationally Representative Sample of Chinese Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8312. 

    Zhou N., Wen J., Stelzer E.M., Killikelly C., Yu W., Xu X. et al. (2020). Prevalence and associated factors of prolonged grief disorder in Chinese parents bereaved by losing their only child. Psychiatry Research, 112766.

    Zhou N., Wang D.N., Chasson G.S., Xu X., Wang J.P., & Lockwood M.I. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Chinese empathy and systemizing quotients in a non-clinical sample. Current Psychology, 41, 1361-1372.

    Stelzer E.M., Zhou N.*, Merzhvynska M., Rohner S., Sun H., Wagner B. et al. (2020). Clinical utility and global applicability of prolonged grief disorder in the ICD-11 from the perspective of Chinese and German-speaking health care professionals. Psychopathology, 53(1), 8-22.

    Killikelly, C., Zhou, N., Merzhvynska, M., Stelzer, E. M., Dotschung, T., Rohner, S., ... & Maercker, A. (2020). Development of the international prolonged grief disorder scale for the ICD-11: Measurement of core symptoms and culture items adapted for chinese and german-speaking samples. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277, 568-576.

    Stelzer E.M., Zhou N.*, Maercker A., O’Connor M.F., & Killikelly C. (2020). Prolonged grief disorder and the cultural crisis. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2982.

    Stelzer E.M., Jan H., Zhou N., Maercker A., & Killikelly, C. (2020). Cross-cultural generalizability of the ICD-11 PGD symptom network: identification of central symptoms and culturally specific items across German-speaking and Chinese bereaved. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 103, 152211.

    Xu, X., Wen, J., Shi, G., Zhou, N., Tang R., Wang J., & Skritskaya N.A. (2020). Grief and post-traumatic growth among Chinese bereaved parents who lost their only child: the moderating role of interpersonal loss. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 558313.

    Shi, G., Wen, J., Xu, X., Zhou, N., Wang, J., Shi, Y., ... & Stelzer, E. M. (2019). Culture-related grief beliefs of Chinese Shidu parents: Development and psychometric properties of a new scale. European journal of psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1626075.

    Zhou, N.#, Yu, W.#, Huang, H., Shi, G., Luo, H., Song, C., ... & Killikelly, C. (2018). Latent profiles of physical and psychological outcomes of bereaved parents in China who lost their only child. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 9(1), 1544026.

    Zhou, N., Yu, W., Tang, S., Wang, J., & Killikelly, C. (2018). Prolonged grief and post-traumatic growth after loss: Latent class analysis. Psychiatry Research, 267, 221-227.

    Zhou, N., Wang, J., & Chasson, G. S. (2018). Psychiatric problems of Chinese college students with high autism traitsResearch in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 54, 1-8.

    Zhou, N., Zhao, C., Ting Y., Du, S., Yu, M., & Shen, H. (2017). Attention bias towards sleep-related stimuli in insomnia disorder: a behavioral and ERP Study. Journal of Sleep research, 27(3), 1-9.

    Yin, F., Fang, J., Zhou, N., Shen, H., & He, Y. (2016). Development and validation of the chinese death metaphors scale-revisedDeath Studies. 41(2), 87-92. 

    Wang, T., Benedict, N., Olsen, K. M., Luan, R., Zhu, X., & Zhou, N., et al. (2015). Effect of critical care pharmacist's intervention on medication errors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Journal of Critical Care, 30(5), 1101.

    焦克媛, 朱雅雯, 範文超, 周甯甯, & 王建平. (2017). 認知回避問卷在中國大(dà)學生中應用(yòng)的(de)信效度. 中國臨床心理(lǐ)學雜(zá)志, 25(6), 1017-1021.

    餘萌徐慊朱雅雯徐慰周甯甯, & 王建平. (2017). 青少年内外化(huà)症狀現狀調查及預測因素中國健康心理(lǐ)學雜(zá)志, (11), 1733-1738.
