




  • 部門: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院
  • 畢業院校: 華東師範大(dà)學
  • 學位: 理(lǐ)學博士
  • 學曆: 博士
  • 郵編: 200062
  • 聯系電話(huà): 021-62235172
  • 傳真:
  • 電子郵箱: dzyin@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 辦公地址:
  • 通(tōng)訊地址: 上海市普陀區(qū)中山北(běi)路3663号老圖書(shū)館311室







2019/10—至今, 華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院,紫江青年學者,研究員(yuán),博士生導師




尹大(dà)志,博士,現任華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院紫江青年學者,研究員(yuán),博士生導師。20146月(yuè)畢業于華東師範大(dà)學物(wù)理(lǐ)系上海市磁共振重點實驗室,獲得(de)理(lǐ)學博士學位。博士期間有兩年在美(měi)國哥(gē)倫比亞大(dà)學精神病學系進行博士生聯合培養(國家公派)。20148月(yuè)至20199月(yuè),在中國科學院神經科學研究所腦(nǎo)影(yǐng)像中心依次擔任助理(lǐ)研究員(yuán)、副研究員(yuán)。2017年入選“中國科學院青年創新促進會”,2018年獲得(de)“長(cháng)三角神經科學青年科學家獎”和(hé)“賽諾菲-中國科學院上海生命科學研究院”優秀青年人(rén)才獎勵基金,先後主持國家自然科學基金面上項目和(hé)青年項目,主要從事腦(nǎo)網絡計算(suàn)方法學及其在腦(nǎo)認知和(hé)腦(nǎo)疾病中的(de)應用(yòng)研究,相關研究成果以第一/通(tōng)訊作者(含共同)已發表在Biological Psychiatry、Neurology、Journal of Neuroscience、NeuroImage等國際權威學術期刊上。


1.  中國康複醫學會腦(nǎo)功能檢測與調控康複專業委員(yuán)會委員(yuán),2019.06-2023.06

2.  中國衛生信息與健康醫療大(dà)數據學會康複專業及信息化(huà)标準委員(yuán)會委員(yuán),2019.03-2024.03




1. 研究主題:認知與行爲靈活性的(de)神經基礎、神經精神疾病的(de)診療機制、自發(内在)和(hé)任務誘發腦(nǎo)活動組織規律、大(dà)腦(nǎo)可(kě)塑性。

2. 研究方法:多(duō)模态磁共振成像技術、認知訓練、神經調控與幹預、複雜(zá)網絡、動态腦(nǎo)網絡、複雜(zá)性。



1.  具有心理(lǐ)學、物(wù)理(lǐ)學、或計算(suàn)機科學等理(lǐ)工科專業背景。

2.  對(duì)腦(nǎo)科學研究具有強烈的(de)興趣。

3.  爲人(rén)誠實守信,勤奮刻苦,具有較好的(de)數理(lǐ)基礎和(hé)編程經驗。


  • 《磁共振成像原理(lǐ)與技術》(本科生)

  • 《專業報告與交流》(本科生)

  • 《網絡神經科學導論》(研究生)

  • 《認知神經科學前沿》(研究生)


  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(32271096),認知靈活性的(de)腦(nǎo)動力學表征研究,2023/1-2026/1254萬元,主持。

  2. 科技創新2030重大(dà)項目,“中國學齡兒(ér)童腦(nǎo)智發育隊列研究”子課題(2021ZD0200535),情緒與社會技能發展的(de)腦(nǎo)網絡基礎及分(fēn)化(huà)機制,2021/8-2026/7,參與。

  3. 上海市腦(nǎo)功能基因組學重點實驗室主任基金,2022/6-2023/612萬元,主持。

  4. 中國科學院青年創新促進會(中科院青年人(rén)才項目), 2018/1-2021/1280萬元,主持。

  5. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(31600869),靜息态功能連接模式的(de)動态重配及其應用(yòng)研究,2017/1-2019/1220萬元,主持。

  6. 中國科學院上海生命科學研究院優秀青年人(rén)才領域前沿項目(2014KIP206),一種聯合多(duō)模态磁共振成像方法預測腦(nǎo)中風患者手功能轉歸,2014/10-2016/915萬元,主持。

  7. 科技部重點研發計劃(2017YFC1310400),甲基苯丙胺依賴診斷與複發預警客觀指标和(hé)幹預新技術體系的(de)研發,2017/1-2020/12785萬元,項目骨幹。

  8. 國家自然科學基金委重大(dà)儀器裝備研制項目(81527901),基于超聲輻射力的(de)深部腦(nǎo)刺激與神經調控儀器研制,2016/1-2020/127366萬,項目骨幹。

  9. 國家自然科學基金委面上項目(81771477),注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙兒(ér)童執行功能缺陷的(de)優化(huà)幹預及腦(nǎo)影(yǐng)像學變化(huà)的(de)機制研究,2018/1-2021/1270萬元,參與。

  10. 國家自然科學基金委面上項目(81671307),亞甲藍PI3K/AKT信号通(tōng)路中保護慢(màn)性腦(nǎo)低灌注緻神經血管單元損傷中的(de)作用(yòng),2017/1-2020/1257 萬元,參與。

  11. 國家自然科學基金委面上項目(81471651),康複治療對(duì)腦(nǎo)卒中後不同階段運動功能恢複作用(yòng)機制的(de)靜息态功能磁共振成像研究,2015/1-2018/1272 萬元,參與。


Peer-Reviewed Articles#First Author*Corresponding Author                    

  1. Yu Q#, Yin D#, Kaiser M, Xu G, Guo M, Liu F, Li J, Fan M. Pathway-specific mediation effect between structure, function, and motor impairment after subcortical stroke. Neurology. 2023;100:e616-e626. [Commentary by Bhaskar Roy & Randolph S. Marshall, New Insight in Causal Pathways Following Subcortical Stroke: From Correlation to Causation. Neurology. 2023;100:271-272]

  2. Zhu H, Huang Z, Yang Y, Su K, Fan M, Zou Y, Li T, Yin D*. Activity flow mapping over probabilistic functional connectivity. Human Brain Mapping. 2023;44:341–361.

  3. Lu J, Donner R, Yin D, Guan S, Zou Y. Partial event coincidence analysis for distinguishing direct and indirect coupling in functional network construction. Chaos. 2022, 32:063134.

  4. Fang F, Gong Y, Luo Q, Ge R, Kang M, Ma M, Zhang L, Mu D, Yin D*, Wang Y*. Cognitive Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Is Not a One-Way Process: Evidence From a Longitudinal Brain Connectivity Study. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2022, 13:874538.

  5. Li D, Liu C, Huang Z, Li H, Xu Q, Zhou B, Hu C, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Nie J, Qiao Z*, Yin D*, Xu X*. Common and distinct disruptions of cortical surface morphology between ASD children with and without SHANK3 deficiency. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021, 15:751364.

  6. Yin D*, Wang X, Zhang X, Yu Q, Wei Y, Cai Q, Fan M*, Li L*. Dissociable plasticity of visual-motor system in functional specialization and flexibility in expert table tennis players. Brain Structure and Function. 2021; 226:1973-1990.

  7. Yin D*, Kaiser, M*. Understanding Neural Flexibility from a Multifaceted Definition. NeuroImage. 2021; 235:118027.

  8. Feng L#, Yin D#, Wang X, Xu Y, Xiang Y, Teng F, Pan Y, Zhang X, Su J, Wang Z, Jin L. Brain connectivity abnormalities and treatment-induced restorations in patients with cervical dystonia. European Journal of Neurology. 2021; 28:1537–1547.

  9. Lv Q, Lv Q, Yin D, Zhang C, Sun B, Voon V, Wang Z. Neuroanatomical Substrates and Predictors of Response to Capsulotomy in Intractable Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Biological psychiatry: Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. 2021; 6:29–38.

  10. Su H, Liu Y, Yin D, Chen T, Li X, Zhong N, Jiang H, Wang J, Du J, Xiao K, Xu D, Zeljic K, Wang Z, Zhao M. Neuroplastic changes in resting-state functional connectivity after rTMS intervention for methamphetamine craving. Neuropharmacology. 2020; 175:108177.

  11. Yin D, Chen X, Zeljic K, Zhan Y, Shen X, Yan G, and Wang Z. A Graph Representation of Functional Diversity of Brain Regions. Brain and Behavior. 2019; e01358.

  12. Fang F, Lai M, Huang J, Kang M, Ma M, Li K, Lian J, Wang Z, Yin D*, Wang Y*. Compensatory Hippocampal Connectivity in Young Adults with Early-Stage Type 2 Diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2019; 104:3025–3038.

  13. Yin D, Zhang Z, Wang Z, Zeljic K, Lv Q, Cai D, Wang Y, Wang Z. Brain Map of Intrinsic Functional Flexibility in Anesthetized Monkeys and Awake Humans. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2019, 13:174.

  14. Li HF#, Yang L#, Yin D#, Chen WJ, Liu GL, Ni W, Wang N, Yu W, Wu ZY, Wang Z. Associations between neuroanatomical abnormality and motor symptoms in paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 2019; 62:134-140.

  15. Yin D#, Zhang C#, Lv Q, Chen X, Zeljic K, Gong H, Zhan S, Jin H, Wang Z, Sun B. Dissociable Frontostriatal Connectivity: Mechanism and Predictor of the Clinical Efficacy of Capsulotomy in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 2018; 84:926-936. [Commentary by Hoexter MQ, Are we ready for individualized target planning of ablative procedures in intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder? Biological Psychiatry, 2018, 84(12): e85-e87]

  16. Zhao Z, Wu J, Fan M, Yin D, Tang C, Gong J, Xu G, Gao X, Yu Q, Yang H, Sun L, Jia J. Altered intra- and inter-network functional coupling of resting-state networks associated with motor dysfunction in stroke. Human Brain Mapping. 2018; 39:3388-3397.

  17. Zhao Z, Tang C, Yin D, Wu J, Gong J, Sun L, Jia J, Xu D, Fan M. Frequency-specific alterations of regional homogeneity in subcortical stroke patients with different outcomes in hand function. Human Brain Mapping. 2018; 39:4373-4384.

  18. Zou Y, Zhao Z, Yin D, Fan M, Small M, Liu Z, Hilgetag CC, Kurths J. Brain anomaly networks uncover heterogeneous functional reorganization patterns after stroke. Neuroimage Clinical. 2018; 20:523-530.

  19. Peng W, Mao L, Yin D, Sun W, Wang H, Zhang Q, Wang J, Chen C, Zeng M, Ding J, Wang X. Functional network changes in the hippocampus contribute to depressive symptoms in epilepsy. Seizure. 2018; 60:16-22.

  20. Fang F, Zhan Y, Zhuo Y, Yin D, Li K, Wang Y. Brain atrophy in middle-aged subjects with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, with and without microvascular complications. Journal of Diabetes. 2018; 10:625-632.

  21. Song Y, Li W, Meng S, Zhou W, Su B, Tang L, Zhao Y, Wu X, Yin D, Fan M, Zhou C. Dual integrin alphavbeta 3 and NRP-1-Targeting Paramagnetic Liposome for Tumor Early Detection in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2018; 13:380.

  22. Yin D#, Liu W#, Zeljic K, Lv Q, Wang Z, You M, Men W, Fan M, Cheng W, Wang Z. Failure in Cognitive Suppression of Negative Affect in Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Scientific Reports. 2017; 7:6583.

  23. Wen Z, Cheng , Yin D, Sun S, Wang Z, Yu S, Zhang Y, Qiu Z, Du Y. Identification of the Genetic Cause for Childhood Disintegrative Disorder by Whole-Exome Sequencing. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2017; 33:251-254.

  24. Yin D, Liu W, Zeljic K, Wang Z, Lv Q, Fan M, Cheng W, Wang Z. Dissociable Changes of Frontal and Parietal Cortices in Inherent Functional Flexibility across the Human Life Span. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016; 36(39):10060 –10074.

  25. Zheng X, Sun L, Yin D, Jia J, Zhao Z, Jiang Y, Wang X, Wu J, Gong J, Fan M. The plasticity of intrinsic functional connectivity patterns associated with rehabilitation intervention in chronic stroke patients. Neuroradiology. 2016; 58:417-427.

  26. Zhao Z, Wang X, Fan M, Yin D, Sun L, Jia J, Tang C, Zheng X, Jiang Y, Wu J, Gong J. Altered Effective Connectivity of the Primary Motor Cortex in Stroke: A Resting-State fMRI Study with Granger Causality Analysis. PLoS One. 2016; 11:e0166210.

  27. Yan C, Su L, Wang Y, Xu T, Yin D, Fan M, Deng C, Hu Y, Wang Z, Cheung E, Lim K, Chan R. Multivariate Neural Representations of Value during Reward Anticipation and Consummation in the Human Orbitofrontal Cortex. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6:29079.

  28. Yan C, Wang Y, Su L, Xu T, Yin D, Fan M, Deng C, Wang Z, Lui S, Cheung E, Chan R. Differential mesolimbic and prefrontal alterations during reward anticipation and consummation in positive and negative schizotypy. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2016; 254:127-136.

  29. Liu W#, Yin D#, Cheng W, Fan M, You M, Men W, Zang L, Shi D, Zhang F. Abnormal Functional Connectivity of the Amygdala-Based Network in Resting-State fMRI in Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Medical Science Monitor. 2015; 21: 459-467.

  30. Jiang Y, Yin D, Xu D, Men W, Cao R, Li B, Fan M. Investigating microbleeding in cerebral ischemia rats using susceptibility-weighted imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2015; 33:102-109.

  31. Wang Y, Yan C, Yin D, Fan M, Cheung E, Pantelis C, Chan RC. Neurobiological changes of schizotypy: evidence from both volume-based morphometric analysis and resting-state functional connectivity. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2015; 41 Suppl 2:S444-454.

  32. Yin D, Song F, Xu D, Sun L, Men W, Zang L, Yan X, Fan M. Altered topological properties of the cortical motor-related network in patients with subcortical stroke revealed by graph theoretical analysis. Human Brain Mapping. 2014; 35:3343–3359.

  33. He X, Liu W, Li X, Li Q, Liu F, Rauh VA, Yin D, Bansal R, Duan Y, Kangarlu A, Peterson BS, Xu D. Automated assessment of the quality of diffusion tensor imaging data using color cast of color-encoded fractional anisotropy images. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2014;32:446-456.

  34. Guo W, Li D, Zhu J, Wei X, Men W, Yin D, Fan M, Xu Y. A magnetic nanoparticle stabilized gas containing emulsion for multimodal imaging and triggered drug release. Pharmaceutical Research. 2014; 31:1477–1484.

  35. Lin Z, Tao J, Gao Y, Yin D, Chen A, Chen L. Analysis of central mechanism of cognitive training on cognitive impairment after stroke: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of International Medical Research. 2014; 42(3) 659–668.

  36. Yin D, Yan X, Fan M, Hu Y, Men W, Sun L, Song F. Secondary degeneration detected by combining voxel-based morphometry and tract-based spatial statistics in subcortical strokes with different outcomes in hand function. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2013; 34:1341-1347.

  37. Yin D#, Luo Y#, Song F, Xu D, Peterson BS, Sun L, Men W, Yan X, Fan M. Functional reorganization associated with outcome in hand function after stroke revealed by regional homogeneity. Neuroradiology. 2013; 55:761-770.

  38. Dai H, Yin D, Hu C, Morelli JN, Hu S, Yan X, Xu D. Whole-brain voxel-based analysis of diffusion tensor mri parameters in patients with primary open angle glaucoma and correlation with clinical glaucoma stage. Neuroradiology. 2013; 55:233-243.

  39. Sun L, Yin D, Zhu Y, Fan M, Zang L, Wu Y, Jia J, Bai Y, Zhu B, Hu Y. Cortical reorganization after motor imagery training in chronic stroke patients with severe motor impairment: A longitudinal fmri study. Neuroradiology. 2013; 55:913-925.

  40. Dai H, Morelli JN, Ai F, Yin D, Hu C, Xu D, Li Y. Resting-state functional mri: Functional connectivity analysis of the visual cortex in primary open-angle glaucoma patients. Human Brain Mapping. 2013; 34:2455-2463.

  41. Yan X, Zhou M, Ying L, Yin D, Fan M, Yang G, Zhou Y, Song F, Xu D. Evaluation of optimized b-value sampling schemas for diffusion kurtosis imaging with an application to stroke patient data. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2013; 37:272-280.

  42. Men W, Falk D, Sun T, Chen W, Li J, Yin D, Zang L, Fan M. The corpus callosum of albert einstein's brain: Another clue to his high intelligence? Brain. 2013. doi:10.1093/brain/awt252.

  43. Yin D, Song F, Xu D, Peterson BS, Sun L, Men W, Yan X, Fan M. Patterns in cortical connectivity for determining outcomes in hand function after subcortical stroke. PLoS One. 2012; 7:e52727.

  44. Song F#, Zhang F#, Yin D#, Hu Y, Fan M, Ni H, Nan X, Cui X, Zhou C, Huang C, Zhao Q, Ma L, Xu Y, Xia Q. Diffusion tensor imaging for predicting hand motor outcome in chronic stroke patients. Journal of International Medical Research. 2012; 40:126-133.

  1. 郭苗,徐國軍,餘秋蓉,王鶴玮,尹大(dà)志,孫莉敏,甯瑞鵬,劉凡,範明(míng)霞,腦(nǎo)卒中後運動功能障礙與連接半球間同位腦(nǎo)區(qū)的(de)胼胝體結構損傷相關,磁共振成像2022年第628-35

  2. 詹爽,餘秋蓉,尹大(dà)志,王鶴玮,徐國軍,王雪(xuě)飛(fēi),郭苗,孫長(cháng)慧,朱秉,孫莉敏,範明(míng)霞,腦(nǎo)卒中後手運動相關腦(nǎo)區(qū)正負網絡連接的(de)變化(huà):一項靜息态fMRI 的(de)研究,磁共振成像2021年第644-50

  3. 王雪(xuě)飛(fēi),尹大(dà)志,李琳,徐國軍,餘秋蓉,詹爽,郭苗,張小友,範明(míng)霞,太極拳學習(xí)過程中的(de)靜息态腦(nǎo)功能活動局部一緻性研究,磁共振成像2021年第651-56

  4. 魏彧,餘秋蓉,尹大(dà)志,王鶴玮,孫莉敏,徐國軍,詹爽,王雪(xuě)飛(fēi),郭苗,劉凡,範明(míng)霞,基于健康人(rén)皮質脊髓束模闆分(fēn)析腦(nǎo)卒中皮質脊髓束損傷,磁共振成像2021年第739-45

  5. 邵方方,尹大(dà)志,賈傑,趙智勇,王想敏,鄭曉慧,宋凡,範明(míng)霞,孫莉敏,皮質下(xià)腦(nǎo)卒中對(duì)運動想象有關腦(nǎo)區(qū)功能連接的(de)影(yǐng)響,中國康複醫學雜(zá)志2016年第2133-139

  6. 王想敏,趙智勇,尹大(dà)志,孫莉敏,鄭曉慧,賈傑,範明(míng)霞,腦(nǎo)卒中靜息态下(xià)腦(nǎo)活動異常的(de)比率低頻(pín)振幅,磁共振成像2016年第7卷第6401-406

  7. 孫莉敏,吳毅,尹大(dà)志,範明(míng)霞,臧麗麗,胡永善,健康成人(rén)在手部主動、被動和(hé)想象握拳運動時(shí)腦(nǎo)區(qū)激活特點的(de)功能性磁共振成像研究,中華物(wù)理(lǐ)醫學與康複雜(zá)志2016年第2期126-131

  8. 孫莉敏,吳毅,尹大(dà)志,範明(míng)霞,臧麗麗,胡永善,朱秉,徐一鳴,運動想象訓練促進腦(nǎo)卒中患者上肢運動功能恢複的(de)功能磁共振研究,中國康複醫學雜(zá)志2015年第121217-1222

  9. 範亮豔,範曉芳,羅位超,吳功航,嚴 序,尹大(dà)志,呂 嶽,朱君明(míng),徐冬溶,藝術設計中創造性思維的(de)fMRI 研究:一項基于智能 CAD 的(de)探索,心理(lǐ)學報2014年第46卷第4期。

  10. 宋凡,尹大(dà)志,胡永善,範明(míng)霞,倪歡歡,崔曉,基于體素的(de)形态學測量分(fēn)析腦(nǎo)卒中後殘障手的(de)機制,中國康複醫學雜(zá)志2013年第28卷第7期。

  11. 尤美(měi)娜,程文紅,門衛偉,範明(míng)霞,劉文敬,尹大(dà)志,青少年廣泛性焦慮障礙患者靜息态功能磁共振成像研究,臨床精神醫學雜(zá)志2012年第22 卷第5 期。







10 訪問
