

研究員(yuán) 紫江青年學者



  • 部門: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院
  • 畢業院校: 賓夕法尼亞州立大(dà)學
  • 學位: 哲學博士
  • 學曆: 博士研究生
  • 郵編: 200062
  • 聯系電話(huà):
  • 傳真:
  • 電子郵箱: xtzhang@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 辦公地址: 華東師範大(dà)學中山北(běi)路校區(qū)俊秀樓
  • 通(tōng)訊地址:


2016年8月(yuè) - 2021年8月(yuè)     賓夕法尼亞州立大(dà)學,人(rén)類發展與家庭研究,博士

2012年9月(yuè) - 2016年7月(yuè)     北(běi)京師範大(dà)學,心理(lǐ)學,本科


2023年6月(yuè) 至今      華東師範大(dà)學,心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院,紫江青年學者

2021年9月(yuè) - 2023年5月(yuè)  麥克馬斯特大(dà)學,精神病學與行爲神經科學系,博士後


華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院研究員(yuán),紫江青年學者,博士生導師。研究主要關注長(cháng)、短期壓力與家長(cháng)自我調節過程交互,從而影(yǐng)響養育行爲質量、親子身心健康的(de)生理(lǐ)心理(lǐ)機制;同時(shí),從個(gè)體、社會角度研究針對(duì)兒(ér)童傷害現象的(de)預防幹預策略,以及相關評估。成果發表于Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Psychophysiology等期刊。擔任Child DevelopmentPsychophysiology, Child Maltreatment期刊編委會成員(yuán),并爲發展、家庭、生理(lǐ)心理(lǐ)學等領域的(de)期刊審稿。

課題組:The PHEW Lab (Promoting Parental Health & Emotional Well-being)




2023 至今  Child Development (Consulting Editor)

2022 至今  Psychophysiology (Consulting Editor)

2022-2024  Child Maltreatment (Trainee board member)


Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Psychophysiology, Child Maltreatment, Social Development, Autism Research, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Child and Family Studies, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Frontiers in Psychology 


-  家長(cháng)的(de)複雜(zá)情緒體驗及情緒調節策略

-  親子互動情境中,家長(cháng)自我調節、親子共同調節的(de)動态生理(lǐ)心理(lǐ)過程

-  有早期不利經曆的(de)兒(ér)童中,情緒調節困難和(hé)行爲問題的(de)發展機制

-  針對(duì)家長(cháng)情緒困擾和(hé)負面養育行爲的(de)社會認知,以及支持性預防幹預項目的(de)評估








- “中國家長(cháng)在平衡學業與心理(lǐ)健康目标時(shí)面臨的(de)挑戰:從家長(cháng)信念到日常親子互動(The challenge of balancing academic and mental health concerns among Chinese parents: From parental beliefs to daily parent-child exchanges)”,兒(ér)童發展學會(SRCD),青年學者小型基金(Small Grants for Early Career Scholars),主持,2024.7 - 2025.7

- “兒(ér)童養育過程中的(de)家長(cháng)自我調節:系統性綜述與心理(lǐ)社會因素檢驗(Capturing parental self-regulation in the context of parenting: A systematic review and an empirical examination of psychosocial predictors)”,加拿大(dà)社會科學和(hé)人(rén)文科學研究院(SSHRC),研究發展基金(Insight Development Grant; 430-2022-00548),主持,2022.5-2023.5

- “兩種兒(ér)童養育幹預項目對(duì)家長(cháng)動态情緒調節的(de)效果(Testing effects of two parenting programs on dynamic parental emotion regulation processes)”,加拿大(dà)衛生研究院(CIHR),博士後研究經費(Postdoctoral Research Allowance; MFE 181824),主持,2022.4-2023.5


完整成果列表及下(xià)載請見ResearchGate Profile



Zhang, X.*Beatty, A., Abela, K., Melo, M. F., Kenny, M., Atkinson, L., & Gonzalez, A. (2023). Assessing parental emotion regulation in the context of parenting: A systematic review. Developmental Review.Zhang et al., 2023 Assessing parental ER review.pdf

Zhang, X.*, Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., & Skowron, E. A. (2023). Dynamic regulatory processes among child welfare parents: Temporal associations between physiology and parenting behavior. Development and Psychopathology.Zhang et al., 2023 Dynamic regulation child welfare parents.pdf

Zhang, X.*, Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Cole, P. M., & Ram, N. (2022). A dynamic systems account of parental self-regulation processes in the context of challenging child behavior. Child Development.Zhang et al., 2022 Dynamic parental self-regulation.pdf

Zhang, X.*, Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Cole, P. M., & Ram, N. (2023). The role of strategy-use and parasympathetic functioning in maternal emotion regulation. Journal of Family Psychology.Zhang et al., 2023 Parent ER strategy, physio and emotion-behavior relation.pdf  

Gatzke-Kopp, L. M.*, Zhang, X., Creavey, K. L., Skowron, E. A. (2022). An event-based analysis of maternal physiological reactivity following aversive child behaviors. Psychophysiology.Gatzke-Kopp et al., 2022 Event-based analysis of maternal physio.pdf

Zhang, X., Jambon, M., Afifi, T. O., Atkinson, L., Bennett, T., …, Gonzalez, A.* (2022). Mental health help-seeking in parents and trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms: Lessons learned from the Ontario Parents Survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology: Health Psychology.Zhang et al., 2022 Mental health service and trajectory.pdf

Ravindran, N.*, Zhang, X., Green, L. M., Cole, P. M., Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., & Ram, N. (2021). Concordance of mother-child respiratory sinus arrythmia is continually moderated by dynamic changes in emotional content of film stimuli. Biological Psychology.Ravindran et al., 2021 Dynamic change in RSA synchrony.pdf

Murphy, Y. E.*, Zhang, X., & Gatzke-Kopp, L. M. (2022). Early executive and school functioning: Protective roles of home environment vary socioeconomically. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.Murphy et al., 2022 Family input by SES.pdf

Murphy, Y. E.*, Zhang, X., & Gatzke-Kopp, L. M. (2021). The developmental cascade of early parenting, emergence of executive functioning, and emotional symptoms across childhood. Infant Mental Health.Murphy et al., 2021 Early sensitivity and emerging internalizing symp.pdf

Zhang, X.*, Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Fosco, G. M., & Bierman, K. L. (2020). Parental support of self-regulation among children at risk for externalizing symptoms: Developmental trajectories of physiological regulation and behavioral adjustment. Developmental Psychology.Zhang et al., 2020 Parental support of self-reg.pdf

Zhang, X., Cui, L., Han, Z. R.* & Yan, J. (2017). The heart of parenting: Parent HR dynamics and negative parenting while resolving conflict with child. Journal of Family Psychology.Zhang et al., 2017 HR dynamics and parenting.pdf


Zhang, X., Wekerle, C., Mathews, B., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Child maltreatment. In M. Gillen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of mental health (3rd ed., Vol. 1). Waltham, MA: Academic Press. Child maltreatment chapter_RG.pdf


Zhang, X., Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Skowron, E. A. (2023, March). Dynamic self-regulation processes in child-welfare parents and responses to parent-child interaction therapy. Symposium talk at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2023 Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Zhang, X. (2023, January). Understanding parental emotion regulation in challenging parenting contexts: A multi-method approach. Invited talk at the Department of Pediatrics, McMaster Children’s Hospital.

Zhang, X., Han, Z. R., & Cui, L. (2016, July). The heart of parenting: Links between heart rate dynamics and parenting practices during parent-child conflict resolution. Symposium talk at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.


C. L. Miller-Perrin & R. D. Perrin(著);張旭彤, 王琦, 韓卓 (譯). 兒(ér)童傷害: 從理(lǐ)論到幹預 (第三版;Child Maltreatment: An Introduction, 3rd Edition, London, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd.), 北(běi)京師範大(dà)學出版集團 ,待出版.  

S. Gallagher(著);張旭彤(譯). 和(hé)寶寶玩神奇的(de)心理(lǐ)遊戲:50個(gè)讓你了(le)解0-2歲孩子的(de)趣味科學實驗(Experimenting with Babies: 50 Amazing Science Projects You Can Perform on Your kid, New York, NY: TarcherPerigee),中國輕工業出版社,2017.


-  上海市領軍人(rén)才計劃(海外), 2023

-  Basmajian Award for Excellence in Post-Doctoral Research Work, McMaster University, 2022

-  Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2022-2023

-  Summer Research Institute Scholarship, Kempe Center for the Prevention & Treatment of Child Abuse & Neglect, 2018

-  Knoll Distinguished Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University, 2016

10 訪問
