

職稱: 晨晖學者

直屬機構: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院


10 訪問



  • 部門: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院
  • 性别: 女(nǚ)
  • 專業技術職務:
  • 畢業院校: 中國科學院大(dà)學
  • 學位: 博士
  • 學曆: 博士
  • 聯系電話(huà): 62232963
  • 電子郵箱: xyliu@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 辦公地址: 俊秀樓213
  • 通(tōng)訊地址:
  • 郵編: 200062
  • 傳真:


2016.04 - 2016.10  德國柏林(lín)洪堡大(dà)學心理(lǐ)系,博士聯合培養(中科院-DAAD獎學金)

2015.10 - 2016.03  德國格賴夫斯瓦爾德大(dà)學心理(lǐ)系,博士聯合培養(中科院-DAAD獎學金)

2012.09 - 2017.07  中國科學院傳感技術國家重點實驗室,工學博士

2008.09 - 2012.06  北(běi)京理(lǐ)工大(dà)學,工學學士


2021.04 至今         華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院,晨晖學者

2019.08 - 2021.02 德國奧爾登堡大(dà)學心理(lǐ)系,講師

2017.07 - 2019.07 香港浸會大(dà)學北(běi)京-香港-新加坡非線性複雜(zá)系統聯合中心,博士後


劉欣陽博士,現任華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院講師(明(míng)園晨晖學者)。中國心理(lǐ)學會會員(yuán)。主要研究方向爲認知神經科學。采用(yòng)腦(nǎo)科學(dMRI, fMRI, EEG/ERP)和(hé)行爲學等多(duō)模态研究手段,重點探討(tǎo)面孔加工特異性的(de)認知神經機制及其與語言加工等認知功能之間的(de)相互作用(yòng)。主持中國博士後科學基金第72批面上資助項目。作爲骨幹參與科技創2030腦(nǎo)科學與類腦(nǎo)研究重大(dà)項目和(hé)青年科學家項目。相關研究成果發表在Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex Communications, iScience, European Journal of Psychotraumatology等國際學術期刊共十餘篇


擔任Neuroimage, Journal of Intelligence, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers in Psychology等期刊審稿人(rén)




-  面孔加工特異性的(de)認知神經機制及影(yǐng)響因素

-  語言與面孔認知的(de)競争和(hé)協作機制

-  兒(ér)童腦(nǎo)發育與認知能力發展



02 語言與認知

15 腦(nǎo)功能成像與認知老化(huà)、大(dà)腦(nǎo)可(kě)塑性

歡迎同學們通(tōng)過郵箱和(hé)電話(huà)聯系咨詢 :)



2021-2022 第一學期 心理(lǐ)學導論(輔修)

2021-2022 第二學期 R語言(學科基礎課)

2022-2023 第二學期 R語言(學科基礎課)

2023-2024 第二學期 實驗心理(lǐ)學(輔修)

2023-2024 第二學期 心理(lǐ)學研討(tǎo)與實踐


2023-2024 第一學期 心理(lǐ)學科學思維與論文寫作(實踐部分(fēn))

2023-2024 第二學期 發展與教育心理(lǐ)研究方法與技術


1. 中國博士後科學基金第72批面上資助,2022/11 -2024/11,主持,在研

2. 華東師範大(dà)學人(rén)文社會科學青年預研究項目,2022/10 - 2025/10,主持,在研

3. 科技創新2030 -“腦(nǎo)科學與類腦(nǎo)研究” 青年科學家項目,阿爾茨海默病的(de)發病機制研究,2022/08-2027/07,主要參與,在研

4. 科技創新2030 -“腦(nǎo)科學與類腦(nǎo)研究”重大(dà)項目,中國學齡兒(ér)童腦(nǎo)智發育隊列研究—華東師範大(dà)學隊列建設,2021/12-2026/11,參與,在研

5. 德國“亞曆山大(dà)-洪堡”基金項目(Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, Research Group Linkage GrantAPOE polymorphism effects on (face) cognition in young healthy adults and their neurocognitive mechanisms”,主要參與,已結題

6. 香港浸會大(dà)學跨學科研究計劃“Interpretable Machine Learning Aided Understanding Complex Brain Structural and Functional Interactions Underlying the Spectra of Individual Differences in Cognitive Behavior”,(RC-IRCMs/18-19/SCI/01),主要參與,已結題

7. 香港浸會大(dà)學教職員(yuán)研究項目“Are structural and functional brain networks predicting individual differences in general and face-specific human cognitive abilities?”,(FRG2/ 17-18/011主要參與,已結題

8. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)項目基于多(duō)模态生物(wù)與心理(lǐ)信息的(de)潛在抑郁風險普适化(huà)預警原型系統及示範應用(yòng),(2014CB744600),參與,已結題

9. 中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項課題項目海雲環境下(xià)的(de)物(wù)理(lǐ)信息壓縮感知方法與傳感器系統,(XDA06020101),參與,已結題



Liu, X.*, Geiger, M., Zhou, C., & Hildebrandt, A.*(2022). Individual differences in white matter microstructure of the face processing brain network are more differentiated from global fibers with increasing ability. Scientific reports12(1), 1-15.

Kristanto, D., Liu, X., Sommer, W., Hildebrandt, A., & Zhou, C. (2022). What do neuroanatomical networks reveal about the ontology of human cognitive abilities?. iScience.  25(8), 104706.

Zhou, N.*, Sun, Y., She, Z., Xu, X., Peng, Y., Liu, X.*, & Xi, J. (2022). Grief and growth among Chinese parents who lost their only child: the role of positive and negative experiences of social support from different sources. European Journal of Psychotraumatology13(1), 2079874. 

Sanchez, J., Pavan, T., Liu, X., Thiel, C. M., Heep, A., & Hildebrandt, A. (2022). Fiber tracing and microstructural characterization among audiovisual integration brain regions in neonates compared with young adults. NeuroImage, 119141.

Sanchez, J., Liu, X., Zhou, C., & Hildebrandt, A. (2021). Nature and Nurture Shape Structural Connectivity in the Face Processing Brain Network. NeuroImage. 229, 117736.

Liu, M., Liu, X., Hildebrandt, A., & Zhou, C. (2020). Individual cortical entropy profile: Test–retest reliability, predictive power for cognitive ability, and neuroanatomical foundation. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 2020, 1, 1-17

Kristanto, D., Liu, M., Liu, X., Sommer, W., & Zhou, C. (2020). Predicting reading ability from brain anatomy and function: from areas to connections. NeuroImage, 218, 116966.

Liu, X., Hildebrandt, A., Meyer, K., Sommer, W., & Zhou, C. (2020). Patterns of individual differences in fiber tract integrity of the face processing brain network support neurofunctional models. NeuroImage, 204, 116229.

Liu, J., Liu, X., He, E., Gao, F., Li, Z., Xiao, G., & Cai, X. (2019). A novel dry-contact electrode for measuring electroencephalography signals. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 294, 73-80.

Liu, X., Hildebrandt, A., Recio, G., Sommer, W., Cai, X., & Wilhelm, O. (2017). Individual differences in the speed of facial emotion recognition show little specificity but are strongly related with general mental speed: Psychometric, neural and genetic evidence. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 11, 149.

Liu, X., Liu, J., Duan, F., Liu, R., Gai, S., Xu, S., Sun J. & Cai, X. (2017). Inter-hemispheric frontal alpha synchronization of event-related potentials reflects memory-induced mental fatigue. Neuroscience letters, 653, 326-331.

Liu, X., Liu, J., Gai, S., Meyer, K., Xu, S., & Cai, X. (2016). Time–frequency distribution properties of event-related potentials in mental fatigue induced by visual memory tasks. NeuroReport, 27, 1031-1036.


Liu, X., Geiger, M., Zhou, C., Hildebrandt, A. (2020). Face processing ability dependent differentiation of the face processing brain network – Evidence from structural connectivity. 12th FENS conference of Neuroscience. Poster Presentation. Glasgow, UK.

Liu, X., Sommer, W., Hildebrandt, A., Meyer, K. & Zhou, C. (2019). Individual Differences in the White Matter Integrity of the Face-Processing Brain Network Support Neurofunctional Models. Brain and Mind: Promoting Individual and Community well-being. The Second International Scientific Conference, Oral Presentation, Zagreb, Croatia.

Liu, X., Hildebrandt, A., Recio, G., Sommer, W., Cai, X. & Wilhelm, O. (2016). Face Cognition: Domain invariance of speed abilities and their neural and genetic underpinnings. Congress of the DGPs 2016, Oral Presentation, Leipzig, Germany.

Liu, X., Hildebrandt, A., Recio, G., Sommer, W., Cai, X. & Wilhelm, O. (2016). Neural and genetic underpinnings of domain variant and invariant performance speed related abilities. European Conference on Personality (18th ECP), Oral Presentation, 2016, Timisoara, Romania.
