




  • 部門: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院
  • 畢業院校: 北(běi)京師範大(dà)學
  • 學位: 博士
  • 學曆: 博士研究生
  • 郵編:
  • 聯系電話(huà):
  • 傳真:
  • 電子郵箱: yluo@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 辦公地址: 俊秀樓302
  • 通(tōng)訊地址: 上海市普陀區(qū)中山北(běi)路3663号


2011.9–2016.6      北(běi)京師範大(dà)學認知神經科學與學習(xí)國家重點實驗室,認知神經科學專業,博士 


2014.10–2015.10  Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute聯合培養博士(訪問學者)(導師:P. Read Montague)

2007.9–2011.6      西南(nán)大(dà)學心理(lǐ)學院,應用(yòng)心理(lǐ)學專業,學士


2022.3至今   華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院, 研究員(yuán),博士生導師,紫江青年學者

20202021    Research Associate, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, Virginia Tech  

                       (合作導師: P. Read Montague)

2017–2020    Post-doctoral Research Associate, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, Virginia Tech  

                       (合作導師: P. Read Montague)


華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院研究員(yuán),紫江青年學者,博士生導師。主要研究興趣是社會認知與社會決策,尤其是公平、信任、合作等親社會行爲。不僅關注普通(tōng)人(rén)群的(de)社會行爲及其背後的(de)認知神經機制,同時(shí)也(yě)關注精神障礙人(rén)群社會功能受損的(de)機制。研究手段包括:心理(lǐ)學實驗設計,經濟學博弈範式、計算(suàn)建模、磁共振成像,眼動與瞳孔測量,腦(nǎo)電與腦(nǎo)磁圖等。相關工作發表于Nature Communications, Current BiologyNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Human Brain Mapping等期刊。其中關于兒(ér)童早期教育幹預影(yǐng)響成年後社會決策的(de)發現,被EurekAlert!等多(duō)家科學新聞媒體報道。曾擔任Cerebral Cortex, Human Brain Mapping, Psychopshysiology等學術期刊的(de)審稿人(rén)。入選第八屆中國科協青年人(rén)才“托舉工程”,獲得(de)第五屆瀚翔青年科學家提名獎。



















1. 第八屆中國科協青年人(rén)才“托舉工程”,2022年 - 2024年(2022QNRC001)

2. 公平行爲與延遲折扣的(de)關系:認知神經計算(suàn)研究,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,項目負責人(rén),2023年1月(yuè)- 2025年12月(yuè)(32200886)

3. “中國學齡兒(ér)童腦(nǎo)智發育隊列研究”定向委托項目:“情緒與社會技能發展的(de)腦(nǎo)網絡基礎及分(fēn)化(huà)機制”,腦(nǎo)科學與類腦(nǎo)研究(科技創新2030)重大(dà)項目,子任務負責人(rén),2021年8月(yuè)- 2026年7月(yuè)(SQ2021AAA010024)



1.    Dan Bang*#, Yi Luo*, Leonardo S. Barbosa*, Seth R. Batten*, Beniamino Hadj-Amar*, Thomas Twomey, Natalie Melville, Jason P. White, Alexis Torres, Xavier Celaya, Priya Ramaiah, Samuel M. McClure, Gene A. Brewer, Robert W. Bina, Terry Lohrenz, Brooks Casas, Pearl H. Chiu, Marina Vannucci, Kenneth T. Kishida, Mark R. Witcher, and P. Read Montague#, Noradrenaline tracks emotional modulation of attention in human amygdala, Current Biology (2023), doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.09.074. *Equal contribution

2.    Yi Luo*, Sébastien Hétu*, Terry Lohrenz, Andreas Hula, Peter Dayan, Sharon Landesman Ramey, Libbie Sonnier-Netto, Jonathan Lisinski, Stephen LaConte, Tobias Nolte, Peter Fonagy, Elham Rahmani, P. Read Montague, Craig Ramey. (2018) Early childhood investment impacts social decision-making four decades later. Nature communications, 9(1), 4705. *Equal contribution

3.    Chunliang Feng#, Simon B. Eickhoff, Ting Li, Li Wang, Benjamin Becker, Julia A. Camilleri, Sébastien Hétu, and Yi Luo#. (2021) Common brain networks underlying human social interactions: evidence from large-scale neuroimaging meta-analysis and brain network analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 126:289-303.#Joint corresponding author

4.    Yi Luo, Carlisdania Mendoza, Sarah Pelfrey, Terry Lohrenz, Xiaosi Gu, P. Read Montague, Carrie J. McAdams. (2022) Elevated neurobehavioral responses to negative social interactions in women with bulimia nervosa, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7(7), 696-705.

5.  Ruida Zhu, Chao Liu, Ting Li, Zhenhua Xu, Bowen Fung, Chunliang Feng#, Haiyan Wu#, Yi Luo#, Li Wang#. (2019) Intranasal oxytocin reduces reactive aggression in men but not in women: A computational approach. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 108: 172-181. #Joint corresponding author

6.    Yi Luo, Simon B. Eickhoff, Sébastien Hétu, Chunliang Feng (2018). Social comparison in the brain: a coordinate-based meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies on the downward and upward comparisons. Human Brain Mapping, 39(1): 440-458. (Cover Article; Top 20 most read paper in Human Brain Mapping 2017-2018)

7.    Yi Luo, Chunliang Feng, Tingting Wu, Lucas S. Broster, Huajian Cai, Ruolei Gu & Yue-jia Luo. (2015) Social Comparison Manifests in Event-related Potentials. Scentific Reports, 5, 12127; doi: 10.1038/srep12127.

8.    Yi Luo*, Tingting Wu*, Lucas S. Broster, Chunliang Feng, Dandan Zhang, Ruolei Gu, Yue-jia Luo. (2014) The temporal course of the influence of anxiety on fairness considerations. Psychophysiology, 51(9), 834-842. *Equal contribution

9.   Tingting Wu*Yi Luo*, Lucas S. Broster, Ruolei Gu, Yue-jia Luo. (2013) The Impact of anxiety on social decision-making: Behavioral and electrodermal findingsSocial Neuroscience, 8 (1): 11-21. *Equal contribution

10.   Chunliang Feng*Yi Luo*, Lucas S. Broster, Xueyi Shen, Tengxiang Tian, Ruolei Gu, Yue-jia Luo, Frank Krueger. (2013) The Flexible Fairness: Equality, Earned Entitlement, and Self-interest. PLOS One, 8(9), e73106 /journal.pone.0073106. *Equal contribution

11.  Yi Luo, Chunliang Feng, Ruolei Gu, Tingting Wu, and Yue-jia Luo. (2013). The fairness norm in social decision-making: Behavioral and neuroscience studies. Advances in Psychological Science, 21(2): 300-308.

12.  Juvenal Bosulu, Max-Antoine Allaire, Laurence Tremblay-Grénier, Yi Luo, Simon Eickhoff, Sébastien Hétu. (2022) Wanting versus needing related value: An fMRI meta-analysis. Brain and Behavior, 12(9):e32713. 

13.  Martha J. Farah, Saul Sternberg, Thomas A. Nichols, Jeffrey T. Duda, Terry Lohrenz, Yi Luo, Libbie Sonnier, Sharon L. Ramey, P. Read Montague, Craig T. Ramey. (2021) Randomized manipulation of early cognitive experience impacts adult brain structure Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33 (6): 1197–1209. 

14.   Ruida Zhu, Zhenhua Xu, Song Su, Chunliang Feng, Yi Luo, Honghong Tang, Shen Zhang, Xiaoyan Wu, Xiaoqin Mai, and Chao Liu. From gratitude to injustice: Neurocomputational mechanisms of gratitude-induced injustice. Neuroimage, 245 (2021) 118730.

15.   Anastasia Shuster, Madeline O’Brien, Yi Luo, Matthew Heflin, Dongil Chung, Soojung Na, Ofer Perl, Kaustubh Kulkarni, Vincenzo Fiore, Xiaosi Gu. (2021) Emotional adaptation during a crisis: decline in anxiety and depression after the initial weeks of COVID-19 in the United States. Translational Psychiatry, 11:435.

16.   Suiqing Li, Xinling Chen, Yi Luo & Chunliang Feng. (2021) Dissociable associations of alexithymia and altruistic propensity with distinct cognitive processes underlying moral decision making. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-01295-x

17.   Xiaoyan Wu, Chunliang Feng, Zhenhong He, Xu Gong, Yue-Jia Luo, Yi Luo. (2019) Gender-specific effects of vasopressin on human social communication: An ERP study. Hormones and behavior, 113: 85-94.

18.   Xiaoyan Wu, Chunliang Feng, Jiahua Xu, Zhenhong He, Yi Luo, Yue-Jia Luo (2019). The Effects of vasopressin on human social behaviors. Advances in Psychological Science, 27(5), 811-820.

19.   Ruolei Gu, Dandan Zhang, Yi Luo, Hongyan Wang,Lucas S. Broster (2018). Predicting risk decisions in a modified ballon analogue risk task: conventional and single-trial analyses. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(1): 99-116.

20.   Sébastien Hétu, Yi Luo, Kimberlee D’Ardenne, Terry Lohrenz, and P. Read Montague. (2017). Human substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area involvement in computing social error signals during the ultimatum game. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(12):1972–1982.

21.   Haiyan Wu, Yi Luo, and Chunliang Feng. (2016) Neural signatures of social conformity: A coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 71, 101-111.

22.   Sébastien Hétu, Yi Luo, Ignacio Saez, Kimberlee D'Ardenne1, Terry Lohrenz, P. Read Montague. (2016) Asymmetry in functional connectivity of the human habenula revealed by high-resolution cardiac-gated resting state imaging. Human Brain Mapping, 37:2602–2615.

23.   Ruolei Gu, Jing Yang, Yuanyuan Shi, Yi Luo, Yu L. L. Luo, Huajian Cai. (2016). Be strong enough to say no: self-affirmation increases rejection to unfair offers. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1824.

24.   Chunliang Feng, Wanqing Li, Tengxiang Tian, Yi Luo, Ruolei Gu, Chenglin Zhou, Yue-jia Luo.  (2014). Arousal modulates valence effects on both early and late stages of affective picture processing in a passive viewing task. Social Neuroscience, 9(4): 364-77.

25.   Dandan Zhang, Ruolei Gu, Tingting Wu, Lucas S. Broster, Yi Luo, Yang Jiang, Yue-jia Luo. (2013) An electrophysiological index of changes in risk decision-making strategies. Neuropsychologia, 51(8), 1397 - 1407.

26.   Dandan Zhang, Lili WangYi Luo, Yue-jia Luo. (2012). Individual differences in detecting rapidly presented fearful faces. PLoS One, 7(11), e49517.

27.  Yi Luo, Anastasia Shuster, Madeline O’Brien, Matt Heflin, Ofer Perl, Kaustubh Kulkarni, Soojung Na, Vincenzo Fiore, Dongil Chung, P. Read Montague, Xiaosi Gu. (2021) Altruism in a Time of Crisis: Dissociable Social Valuation and Perception during COVID-19 in the United States. PsyArXiv


Conference presentations


1.     羅藝,進食障礙患者在社會互動中的(de)缺陷,第三屆長(cháng)三角與長(cháng)江經濟帶心理(lǐ)學科協同發展研討(tǎo)會暨青年學者論壇,上海,2023年12月(yuè)21日-23日

2.     羅藝,進食障礙患者社會決策的(de)認知與情緒過程,中國心理(lǐ)學會經濟心理(lǐ)學專業委員(yuán)會2023年學術年會,蕪湖,2023年11月(yuè)10日-12日。

3.     羅藝,社會決策及其腦(nǎo)機制:社會規範與心理(lǐ)健康,全國第七屆情緒與健康心理(lǐ)學學術研討(tǎo)會,廈門,2023年6月(yuè)30日-7月(yuè)2日。

4.     羅藝,社會決策的(de)改變:早期幹預與神經性貪食症的(de)研究,第十屆全國腦(nǎo)電與腦(nǎo)成像研究與應用(yòng)學術年會,蘭州,2023年5月(yuè)12日-14日。

5.     羅藝,社會決策及其偏離:計算(suàn)建模與腦(nǎo)成像研究視角,第二屆心理(lǐ)學拔尖學生培養研討(tǎo)會,廣州,2023年4月(yuè)21日- 23日。

6.     Yi Luo, Sensitive probes of social decision-making: insights from game theory and computational psychiatry, Peking University “心青年” Scientific forum, on line, July 3-4, 2021.

7.     Yi Luo, The cognitive and neural mechanisms of social decision-making: evidences from game theory and computational psychiatry, TCCI NeuroChat 2021, on line, May 28-30, 2021.

8.     Yi Luo, Altered Behavioral Responses to One-Shot and Iterated Social Interactions in Women with Bulimia Nervosa, 59th annual meeting of the Psychiatric Research Society, Park City, Utah March 10-12, 2021.


1.     Yi Luo, CarlisdaniaMendoza, Sarah Pelfrey, Terry Lohrenz, Xiaosi Gu, Carrie McAdams, P. Read Montague. Altered Neurobehavioral Responses to Social Reciprocity in Women with Bulimia Nervosa, 26th annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. June 23-July 3, 2020.

2.   Yi Luo, Ken Kishida, Terry Lohrenz, Iris Vilares, Sébastien Hétu, P. Read Montague. Belief structures behavioral and neural interpretations of objective sensory data, 25th annual meeting of the organization for human brain mapping, 2019, Jun 9th-13th, Rome, Italy.

3.    Yi Luo, Sébastien Hétu, Terry Lohrenz, Sharon Ramey, Jonathan Lisinski, Stephen LaConte, Tobias Nolte, Peter Fonagy, P. Read Monatague, Craig Ramey. Hyper-prosocial responses in subjects four decades after high quality early childhood investment, 15th Annual Meeting of Society for NeuroEconomics, 2017, Oct 6th - 8th, Toronto, Canada.

4.   Sébastien Hétu, Yi Luo, Kim D'Ardenne, Ignacio Saez, Read Montague. Studying the connectivity between the Habenula and Substantia Nigra/VTA during resting state and decision-making, The 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 14th– 18th, 2015.

5.    Yi Luo, Chunliang Feng, Ruolei Gu, Tingting Wu, Yue-jia Luo. Social Comparison is manifested in Event Related Potential Signals, 2013 annual conference of society for social neuroscience, Guangzhou, China, December 5th – 8th, 2013

6.  Yi Luo, Chunliang Feng, Ruolei Gu, Tingting Wu, Yue-jia Luo. The electrophysiological responses to monetary outcomes are modulated by social contexts, The 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, WA, June 16th– 20th, 2013.

7.  Ruolei Gu, Yi Luo, Yue-jia Luo, Huajian Cai. People differing in levels of anxiety showed distinct behavior patterns and electrophysiological responses during social decision-making. The 14thAnnual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, Jan 17th– 19th, 2013.

8.  Yi Luo, Ruolei Gu, Chunliang Feng, Tingting Wu, Yue-jia Luo. The neural mechanisms of the fairness norm in social decision-making. The 15thChinese Academic Conference of Psychology, Guangzhou, Dec 1st– Dec 2nd, 2012.

9.    Chunliang Feng, Yi Luo, Ruolei Gu, Lucas S. Broster, Xueyi Shen, Yue-jia Luo. The relationship between individual contribution to resource earning and feelings of fairness about resource distribution. The 3rd International Conference on Neuroeconomics and Neuromanagement, Hangzhou, Oct 27th– Oct 28th, 2012.

10.  Tingting Wu, Yi Luo, Lucas S. Broster, Ruolei Gu, Yue-jia Luo. The impact of anxiety on social decision-making: Behavioral and electrodermal findings. The 11th Meeting of Chinese Physiopsychology Conference, Nanjing, China, Sep 24th– 26th, 2012.




10 訪問
