




  • 部門: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院
  • 畢業院校: 華東師範大(dà)學
  • 學位: 理(lǐ)學博士
  • 學曆: 博士
  • 郵編: 200062
  • 聯系電話(huà): 62233475
  • 傳真:
  • 電子郵箱: xcli@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 辦公地址: 俊秀樓514
  • 通(tōng)訊地址: 上海市中山北(běi)路366号


2005.9~2009.4  Johns Hopkins University, 神經外科系,博士後

2002.9-2005.7  華東師範大(dà)學腦(nǎo)功能基因組學研究所 神經生物(wù)學專業博士

1999.9-2002.7  華東師範大(dà)學生命科學學院神經生物(wù)學專業碩士

1995.9-1999.7  煙(yān)台師範學院生物(wù)系 學士


2009.9 ~ 今    華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院,副教授、教授,心理(lǐ)學系系主任、副院長(cháng)


李先春 博士、教授: 2005年畢業于華東師範大(dà)學腦(nǎo)功能基因組學研究所,獲理(lǐ)學博士學位。20052009年在美(měi)國約翰霍普金斯大(dà)學神經外科系完成博士後研究。20099月(yuè)起任華東師範大(dà)學心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院,2011年入選上海市浦江人(rén)才計劃,現任心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院副院長(cháng)。主要研究方向:結合行爲學和(hé)腦(nǎo)科學等多(duō)模态研究手段,重點探討(tǎo)(1)高(gāo)級社會認知活動(如合作、社會準則等)的(de)腦(nǎo)機制;(2)精神疾病人(rén)群社會功能缺陷的(de)腦(nǎo)機制。承擔6項國家級及省部級科研項目,在Proc Natl Acad Sci USANeuroImageHuman Brain Mapping以及心理(lǐ)學報等國内外學術雜(zá)志上發表30餘篇文章(zhāng)。出版學術專著1部。








    結合行爲學和(hé)腦(nǎo)科學(fNIRS, EEG/ERP, fMRI, tACS)等多(duō)模态研究手段,重點探討(tǎo)(1)高(gāo)級社會認知活動(如合作、社會準則、社會溝通(tōng)、社會互動等)的(de)腦(nǎo)-腦(nǎo)機制。(2)人(rén)際互動視角下(xià),精神疾病人(rén)群(如精神分(fēn)類症、自閉症等)社會功能缺陷的(de)心理(lǐ)與腦(nǎo)機制。
























跨通(tōng)道工作記憶啓動的(de)腦(nǎo)機制研究以及在教育中應用(yòng)探討(tǎo)(11PJC044 2011.10-2013.9



1.       Xie E., Li K., Gu R., Zhang D., and Li X.* (2023). Verbal information exchange enhances collective performance through increasing group identification. Neuroimage, 279: 120339 (corresponding author)  Xie et al - Neuroimage- group decision making-2023.pdf

2.       Liu, J., Zhang, R., Xie, E., Lin Y., Chen D., Liu Y., Li K., Chen M., Li Y., Wang G*. and  Li X.* (2023). Shared intentionality modulates interpersonal neural synchronization at the establishment of communication system. Commun Biol 6, 832 (2023). (Co-corresponding author)Liu et al- Communication biolgoy-2023.pdf

3.       Li L., Wang H.,  Lin Y. and Li X.* (2023) One single-person bicycling enhances interpersonal cooperation via increasing interpersonal neural synchronization in left frontal cortex. Human Brain Mapping , 44(12), 4535–4544 (corresponding author)

4.       Li K., Yang J., Becker B. and Li X. * (2023) Functional near-infrared spectroscopy neurofeedback of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex enhances human spatial working memory. Neurophotonics,10(02): 025011. (corresponding author)Li keshuang - NPH-22106GR_online-.pdf

5.       Zhang D., Zhang S., Lei Z., Li, Y., Li X. and Gu R.(2023) Why people engage in corrupt collaboration: an observation at the multi-brain level. Cerebral Cortex, 33(13):8465-8476.

6.       Xie E., Liu M., Li K., Nastase S., Gao X. and Li X.* (2023) The single- and dual-brain mechanisms underlying the adviser's confidence expression strategy switching during influence management. Neuroimage, 270:119957. (corresponding author)XIE et al - NeuroImage - 2023.pdf

7.       Li Y., Luo X., Wang K. and Li X.* (2023) Persuader-receiver neural coupling underlies persuasive messaging and predicts persuasion outcome. Cerebral Cortex 33(11):6818-6833 (corresponding author)Li yangzhuo Cerebral cortex-2023.pdf

8.       Wei Y.Liu J., Zhang T., Su W., Tang X., Tang Y., Xu L., Qian Z., Zhang T.*, Li X.* and Wang J.* (2023) Reduced interpersonal neural synchronization in right inferior frontal gyrus during social interaction in participants with clinical high risk of psychosis: An fNIRS-based hyperscanning study. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry.120:110634 (co-corresponding author)Wei et al PNBP-2023.pdf

9.       Xie E., Liu M., Liu J., Gao X. and Li X.*  (2022) Neural mechanisms of the mood effects on third-party responses to injustice after unfair experiences. Hum Brain Mapp. 43(12):3646-3661 (corresponding author)XIE-Human Brain Mapping - 2022.pdf

10.    Chen D., Zhang R., Liu J., Wang P., Bei L., Liu C. and Li X.*  (2022) Gamma-band neural coupling during conceptual alignment. Hum Brain Mapp. 43(9):2992-3006 (corresponding author)Chen et al - HBM - 2022.pdf

11.    Li, Y., Zhang, R.,  Chen, M. and Li X.2022Experiencing happiness together facilitates dyadic coordination through the enhanced interpersonal neural synchronization. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17(5):447-60. (corresponding author)

12.    Yuan D., Zhang R., Liu J., Feng D., Hu Y., Li X. *, Wang Y. *and Zhou X. * (2022) Interpersonal neural synchronization could predict the outcome of mate choice. Neuropsychologia. 165:108112(corresponding author)Yuan et al - Neuropsychologia 2022.pdf

13.    Xie, E., Yin, Q.,  Li, K., Zhang, R., Wang, N. and Li X.* (2021). Sharing happy stories increases interpersonal closeness: Interpersonal brain synchronization as a neural indicator. eNeuro, 8(6):ENEURO.0245-21.2021(corresponding author)Xie et al-ENEURO.0245-21.2021.full.pdf

14.    Zhang, R., Zhou, X., Feng, D., Yuan, D., Li, S., Lu, C. and Li X.*  (2021). Effects of acute psychosocial stress on interpersonal cooperation and competition in young women. Brain and Cognition, 151:105738(corresponding author)Zhang et al - Brain and Cognition 2021.pdf

15.    Zhou X., Pan Y., Zhang R., Bei L. and Li X.* (2021) Mortality threat mitigates interpersonal competition: an EEG-based hyperscanning study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience,16(6): 621–631(corresponding author)ZHou et al - SCAN 2021.pdf

16.    Chen M., Zhang T., Zhang R., Wang N., Yin Q., Li Y., Liu J., Liu T. and Li, X.* (2020) Neural alignment during face-to-face spontaneous deception: Does gender make a difference? Hum Brain Mapp., 41(17): 4964-81(corresponding author)Chen et al HBM- 2020.pdf

17.    Li L., Wang H., Luo H., Zhang Xi., Zhang R., and  Li, X.* (2020) Interpersonal Neural Synchronization During Cooperative Behavior of Basketball Players: A fNIRS-Based Hyperscanning Study. Front Hum Neurosci. 14:169 (corresponding author)

18.    Liu, J., Cai, S., Chen, D., Wu, K., Liu, Y., Zhang, R., Li, X.* (2019). Behavioral and neural changes induced by a blended essential oil on human selective attention. Behavioural Neurology. 2019: 5842132

19.    Wang C., Zhang T., Shan Z., Liu J., Yuan D., Li X. * (2019) Dynamic interpersonal neural synchronization underlying paininduced cooperation in females. Hum Brain Mapp. 40:3222-3232 (corresponding author)Wang et al -Human Brain Mapping - 2019.pdf

20.    Liu J., Zhang R., Geng B., Zhang T., Yuan D., Otani S., Li X. * (2019) Interplay between prior knowledge and communication mode on teaching effectiveness: Interpersonal neural synchronization as a neural marker. NeuroImage. 193:93-102 (corresponding author)Liu et al - Neuroimage-2019.pdf

21.    Li X. *, Yuan D., Fan Y., Gao L.  and Yan C.  (2019) Effect of Motion Perception on Intertemporal Choice Is Associated With the Altered Time Perception. Psychological Reports 122(1): 117-134 (corresponding author)

22.    Pan Y., Novembre G., Song B., Li X. and Hu Y.  (2018) Interpersonal synchronization of inferior frontal cortices tracks social interactive learning of a song. NeuroImage. 183: 280-90Pan et al - NeuroImage-2018.pdf

23.    Hu Y., Pan Y., Shi X., Cai Q., Li X. and  Cheng X.  (2018). Inter-brain synchrony and cooperation context in interactive decision making. Biological Psychology 133: 54-62

24.    Pan Y., Li X., Chen X., Ku Y., Dong Y., Dou Z., He L., Hu Y., Li W. and Zhou X. (2017) ERPs and oscillations during encoding predict retrieval of digit memory in superior mnemonists. Brain and Cognition. 117:17-25  ( Co-first author)

25.    Hu Y., Hu Y., Li X., Pan Y.  and Cheng X.  (2017) Brain-to-Brain Synchronization across Two Persons Predicts Mutual Prosociality. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 12(12):1835-1844

26.    Pan Y., Cheng X., Zhang Z., Li X.* and Hu Y.* (2017) Cooperation in lovers: An fNIRS-based hyperscanning study. Hum Brain Mapp.38(2):831-41 (co-corresponding author)Pan et al - HBM-2016.pdf

27.    Xiao R., Li X., Li L.  & Wang Y.  (2016) Can We Distinguish Emotions from Faces? Investigation of Implicit and Explicit Processes of Peak Facial Expressions? Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1330

28.    Wang L., Li X., Hsiao SS., Lenz FA., Bodner M., Zhou YD. and Fuster JM.  (2015) Differential roles of delay-period neural activity in the monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in visual-haptic crossmodal working memory.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112(2): E214–E219

29.    Cheng X., Li X. * and Hu Y. * (2015) Synchronous brain activity during cooperative exchange depends on gender of partner: A fNIRS-based hyperscanning study. Hum Brain Mapp.  36(6), 2039-2048 (co-corresponding author)Cheng et al - Human Brain Mapping - 2015.pdf

30.    LiX.,  ChengX.,  LiJ., PanY., HuY.  and KuY.  (2015) Examination of mechanisms underlying enhanced memory performance in action video game players: a pilot study.Frontiers in Psychology, 6:843

31.    Guan S., Cheng L., Fan Y.  and Li X. * (2015) Myopic decisions under negative emotions correlate with altered time perception. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:468 (corresponding author)

32.    Hong X., Zheng L.  and Li X. * (2014)Impaired decision making is associated with poor inhibition control in nonpathological lottery gamblers. J Gambl Stud 31(4:1617-32  (corresponding author)

33.    Zhang Y., Hu Y., Guan S., Hong X., Wang Z.  and Li X.* (2014) Neural substrate of initiation of cross-modal working memory retrieval. PLoS ONE 9(8):e103991. (corresponding author)

34.    Wang L., Li X., Hsiao SS., Bodner M., Lenz FA.  and Zhou YD.  (2012) Behavioral choice-related neuronal activity in monkey primary somatosensory cortex in a haptic delay task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.24(7): 1634-44.

35.    Wang L., Li X., Hsiao SS., Bodner M., Lenz FA.  and Zhou YD.  (2012) Persistent neuronal firing in SI cortex during instructed delays between haptic stimuli in the absence of working-memory requirement. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(3): 664-676. ( Co-first author)

36.    Li X.  , Yang Q. and Hu Y.  (2006). Regulation of the expression of GABAA receptor subunits by an antiepileptic drug QYS. Neuroscience Letters. 392(1-2):145-9

37.    Li X., Kuang H., Jiang N. and Hu Y.  (2005). Involvement of Scn1b and Kcna1 ion channels in audiogenic seizure and PTZ-induced epilepsy. Epilepsy Research.66:155-163

38.    Li X. and Hu Y.  (2005). Gene Expression Profiling Reveals the Mechanism of Action of Anticonvulsant drug QYS. Brain Research Bulletin. 66(2): 99-105.


1.   李楊卓,丁雅娜,劉夢蝶,張衛東,李宏祥,李先春*2022)中國畫(huà)審美(měi)一緻性的(de)專業知識效應:一項fNIRS研究。心理(lǐ)科學45(3): 514-522中國畫(huà)審美(měi)一緻性的(de)專業知識效應_一項fNIRS研究_李楊卓.pdf

2.   張如倩,劉潔瓊,李先春* 2019社會互動視角下(xià)人(rén)際公平形成的(de)腦(nǎo)機制。心理(lǐ)學報519):1007-1017社會互動視角下(xià)人(rén)際公平形成的(de)腦(nǎo)機制.pdf

3.   卑力添,蔣柯,李先春,熊哲宏2019)博弈論視角下(xià)的(de)超掃描多(duō)人(rén)互動任務新模型。心理(lǐ)科學進展277):1284-1296

4.   李先春*,卑力添,袁滌,丁雅娜,馮丹陽2018)超掃描視角下(xià)的(de)社會互動腦(nǎo)機制。心理(lǐ)科學,41(6): 1484-91   

5.   鄭麗莉,成曉君,胡誼,李先春* 2015)超掃描的(de)發展及其在教育領域的(de)應用(yòng)潛力。教育生物(wù)學雜(zá)志3(1): 35-42     

6.   陳雪(xuě)吟,官漱塵,栾靜滢,李先春* (2014).記者痛感共情能力初步研究。心理(lǐ)科學37(2): 283-8*通(tōng)訊作者)

7.   徐丹妮,張佳悅,李先春*2013)面孔性别辨認中返回抑制效應的(de)性别差異。心理(lǐ)學報,45(2):161-8*通(tōng)訊作者)

8.   李先春*,張陽陽,洪小龍(2012)多(duō)感覺學習(xí)及其在閱讀障礙和(hé)自閉症幹預中的(de)應用(yòng)。全球教育展望 419):47-52*通(tōng)訊作者)

9.   邵志芳杜逸旻王岩李先春2011)無決策成分(fēn)的(de)靶記憶與源記憶的(de)加工深度比較。心理(lǐ)科學342):337-42

10.    董莉,李先春,高(gāo)鴻翔,郭宜平,孫心德(2004)生後早期聽(tīng)覺經驗對(duì)小鼠聲調分(fēn)辨行爲的(de)影(yǐng)響。中國臨床康複 828):607981

11.    高(gāo)鴻翔,董莉,李先春,郭宜平,孫心德(2003)單耳堵塞沙土鼠下(xià)丘聽(tīng)反應域面積與谷氨酸、γ-氨基丁酸受體的(de)關系。中國臨床康複 719):26413

12.    李先春李新建2003)中樞神經系統視-聽(tīng)整合現象。生物(wù)學教學288):10-12



10 訪問
