

East China Normal University      


  • Department: School of Psychology and Cognitive Science
  • Graduate School:
  • Degree:
  • Academic Credentials:
  • PostCode: 200062
  • Tel:
  • Fax:
  • Email: yzhang@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
  • Office:
  • Address: Shanghai


·2011-2014: Ph.D., School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University.

·2002-2005: Graduate studies, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University.

·1998-2002: Undergraduate studies at Fudan University's Medical College (formerly Shanghai Medical University).


·2020-present: Associate Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University.

·2016-2019: Lecturer, Department of Applied Psychology, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University.

·2013-2015: Deputy Director, Psychological Counseling Center, East China Normal University.

·2005-2015: Full-time Psychological Counselor and Supervising Psychologist, Psychological Counseling Center, East China Normal University.


Dr. Zhang Ya, Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor at the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science at East China Normal University, has been engaged in psychological counseling since 2002, accumulating nearly ten thousand hours of consultation with adolescents and adults. She is a registered psychologist (X-09-063) and supervising psychologist (D-18-012) in the professional registration system of the Chinese Psychological Society for Clinical and Counseling Psychology. Dr. Zhang has received extensive training in various psychological approaches, including psychodynamic, hypnosis, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Primarily utilizing hypnosis as a catalyst, she adopts an integrative approach to address issues related to adolescent development, and emotional and conflict-related problems such as anxiety and depression in adults. Since 2016, alongside her clinical counseling work, she has been exploring the efficacy factors and mechanisms of action in psychological counseling.

Other Appointments

Research Fields

·The Mechanism of Action in Hypnotic Suggestion

·Interpersonal Brain Synchronization during Psychological Counseling Process

·The Effects and Efficacy Factors of Conventional Psychological Counseling

·Psychological Interventions for Social Anxiety and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Enrollment and Training


Psychological Assessment, Group Psychological Counseling, Interview Techniques in Psychological Counseling, Case Study Method, Integrated Approach to Psychological Counseling, etc.

Scientific Research

·July 2017 - March 2021: Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Youth Project (17YJC190031): A Study on the Effectiveness Assessment and Influencing Factors of Conventional Psychological Counseling for College Students (Concluded).

·January 2020 - December 2022: National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project (31900767): The Neural Basis of the Counseling Relationship in Psychological Counseling: A Study Based on the Brain Synchronization of Clients and Counselors.

·September 2021 - September 2023: Director of the Key Laboratory Project for Psychological Health and Crisis in Shanghai: A Predictive Model of Adolescent Suicide Risk Based on Machine Learning and Neural Representation Signals.

Academic Achievements

Main papers in past five years:

·Zhang, Y*., Fan, J., Lu, Y.F., Yang, X., Zhang, Q., Li, S.J., Chris, E. (2023). Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of Young Person’s Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (YP-CORE). British Journal of Guidance and Counselling (accepted).

·Yang, J.Y., Li, S.Y., Wu, W., Zhang, Y.* (2023). Thematic Apperception Test for Suicide Risk Identification - A Machine Learning Study Based on Speech and Text Features. Psychological Science (accepted).

·Dai, X.Y., Li, X.Y., Xia, N., Xi, J.Z., Zhang,Y*(2023). Client-counselor behavioral and inter-brain synchronization among dismissing and secure clients and its association with alliance quality and outcome. Psychotherapy Research .doi:10.1080/10503307.2023.2249587

·Hu,R.Y., Dai,X.Y., Xi, J.Z. & Zhang,Y*. (2023). Hypnotic and direct suggestions affect attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. doi:10.1080/00029157.2023.2230253

· Zhang, Y.X., Zhang,Y.*(2023). Revision and Reliability and Validity Test of the Chinese Version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 31(04), 836-842.

· Dai, X.Y., Hu, Y., Zhang, Y.*(2022). The Phenomenon of Interpersonal Synchrony: Exploring a New Perspective on the Alliance Relationship in the Psychological Counseling Process. Advances in Psychological Science, 30(9), 2078-2087.

·Zhang, Y.*,Meng,T., Yang, Y.X. & Hu,Y.(2020). Experience-dependent counselor-client brain synchronization during psychological counseling. Eneuro, 0236-20.2020. 

·Zhang, Y.*, Hu, J., Jin, L.W., Wu, M.Y., Wang, C.Y. et al. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the clincial outcomes in routine evaluation-outcome measure (CORE-OM). British Journal of Guidance and counseling,48,289-299.

Other papers:

  • ·Zhang, Y.*, Wu, M.Y., Wang, Y.J. (2019). The Effectiveness of Counseling for College Students and Its Relationship with Clients' Attachment Styles and Working Alliance. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 33, 653-656.

    ·Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., & Ku, Y.X.* (2018). Hypnotic and non-hypnotic suggestion to ignore pre-cues decreases space-valence congruency effects in highly hypnotizable individuals. Consciousness and Cognition65, 293-303. 

  • ·Zhang,Y., Meng,T., Hou,Y.Y., Pan,Y.F., & Hu,Y..*(2018). Interpersonal brain synchronization associated with working alliance during psycholgical counseling. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 65,293-303. 

  • ·Zhang,Y., Hu, J., Zhang,E.T., & Wang,G.H. (2015). The influence of spatial representation on valence judgements: An event-related potential study, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27, 218-226.

·Zhang, Y.* (2020). Psychoanalytic-Based Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy: A Self-Help Intervention for Social Anxiety. Theory and Practice in Psychological Counseling, 2, 383-395.

·Zhang, Y.*(2019).A case report about death anxiety and discussion of life eduction in Chinese undergraduates. In L. Hoffman, M. Yang, M. Mansilla, J. Dias, M. Moats, & T. Claypool (Eds.), Existential psychology east-west (Vol. 2). Colorado Springs, CO: University Professors Press. 

·Zhang,Y.*, Yang,W.S., Liu, M.B., & Wu,M.Y. (2016). Challenges and Difficulties about College Counseling in China: Response to Portnoy (2013). Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 30, 64-74.

Main Works and Translations:

·Zhang Ya. Being a Parent: Ten Psychological Lessons for Middle School Parents. Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Literature Publishing House, April 2023.

·Zhang Ya, translator. Clinical Hypnotherapy Casebook. Shanghai: Shanghai Education Publishing House, March 2020.

·Hu Yi, Zhang Ya, Zhu Hong, editors. College Student Mental Health Education. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, April 2019.

·Zhang Ya, translator. Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death. Beijing: Wanyi Psychology Publishing House, Reprint January 2015.

·Zhang Ya. Records of Hypnotherapy. Shanghai: Shanghai Education Publishing House, January 2009.

·Zhang Ya. The Heart of Hypnosis. Shanghai: Shanghai Popular Science Publishing House, Reprint January 2008.


·2023: East China Normal University Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award.

·2022: East China Normal University Outstanding Instructor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

10 Visits

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