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心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院辦公室                       20233月(yuè)












  1. (郝甯)He, Y., Wang, X., Lu, K., & Hao, N.* (2023). Letting leaders spontaneously emerge yields better creative outcomes and higher leader-follower inter-brain synchrony during creative group communication. Cerebral Cortex. online published. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac524.

  2. (郝甯)Yuan, H., Liu, M., Lu, K., Yang, C.*, & Hao, N.* (2023). The effect of example abstraction on creativity from the perspectives of example modality and generalty. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 47: 101234.

  3. (李先春、羅霄骁)Li,Y., Luo,X., Wang,K., Li,X*.(2023). Persuader-receiver neural coupling underlies persuasive messaging and predicts persuasion outcome. Cerebral Cortex. online published. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad003.

  4. (李先春、高(gāo)曉雪(xuě))Xie,E., Liu,M., Li,K., Nastase,S., Gao,X.*, Li,X*.(2023).The single- and dual-brain mechanisms underlying the adviser's confidence expression strategy switching during influence management. Neuroimage. online published. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119957.

  5. (周曉林(lín))Du, W., Yu, H.*, Liu, X., & Zhou, X*. (2023). Mindfulness training reduces slippery slope effects in moral decision-making and moral judgment. Scientific Reports, 13, 2967.

  6. (黃(huáng)楚中)Hsu, C., Chong,S., Kung,Y., Kuo,K., Huang,C.*, Lin,C*.(2023).Integrated diffusion image operator (iDIO): A pipeline for automated configuration and processing of diffusion MRI data. Hum Brain Mapping. online published. doi: 10.1002/hbm.26239.

  7. (梁一鳴、席居哲)Liang,Y., Zhao,Y., Ji,W., Bian,X.*, Xi,J*.(2023).Latent profiles of psychological status among populations cumulatively exposed to a flood and the recurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic in China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. online published. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103520.

  8. (梁一鳴)Liang, Y., Chen, Y., Huang, Q., Zhou, Y., & Liu, Z.* (2023). Network structure and temporal stability of depressive symptoms after a natural disaster among children and adolescents, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 14, 2179799.

  9. (博士生佘壯)Shi,Y., Li,D., Zhou,Z., Zhang,H., She,Z.*, Yuan,X.*(2023). How work-nonwork conflict affects remote workers' general health in China: A self-regulation theory perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. online publiesed. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20021337.

  10. (劉俊升)Yuan,M., Bian,X., Liu,J.*, Zhen,H., Coplan,R., Sang,B.(2023). Relations between maternal panic over COVID-19 and children's depressive symptoms: the moderating role of children's daily routines. Current Psychology. online published. doi: 10.1007/s12144-022-04129-0.

  11. (張衛東、李林(lín))Duan,J., Ouyang,H., Lu,Y., Li,L., Liu,Y., Feng,Z.*, Zhang,W.*, Zheng,L.(2023).Neural dynamics underlying the processing of implicit form-meaning connections: The dissociative roles of theta and alpha oscillations. International Journal of Psychophysiology. online published. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2023.01.006.

  12. (博士生張舒)Zhang,S,, Zhang,Y,, Xue,D,, Zhang,H., Chao,M., Liu,T*.(2023).What are the differences in psychological outcomes between people who posted COVID-19-related content on social media and those who did not? Psychiatry Investigation. online published. doi: 10.30773/pi.2022.0146.

  13. (周晗昱)Yu, X. Zhou,H.*(2023).Bodily self-disturbances and schizophrenia: the role of emotional responses to anomalous experiences. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. online published. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2023.103483.

  14. (郝壘壘、孟慧)Hao, L., Yu, X., & Meng, H*. (accepted). A validity reassessment of the recovery experience questionnaire with two extended confirmatory factor analyses. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. doi:10.1007/s11469-023-01009-x.  

  15. (段錦雲)Chen,J., Duan,J.*, Wang,T., Li,S., Yu,B.(2023).Donate for your Secrets: Relationship between Secrecy, Guilt and Donation Behavior. Psychological Reports. online published. doi: 10.1177/00332941231156817.

  16. (周甯甯)Zhou, N., Ren, F., Shi, G., & Wang, J. (accepted). Understanding the relationship between peer support and grief/growth in Chinese shidu parents: The roles of internalized stigma and stigma resistance. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 00302228231154844.

  17. (席居哲)Chen,N., Xi,J.*, Fan,X.*S(2023). Correlations among psychological resilience, cognitive fusion, and depressed Eemotions in patients with depression.Behavioral Sciences. online published. doi: 10.3390/bs13020100.

  18. (博士生文廣居)Wen,G., Zhang,Y., Nyman,T., Jern,P., Santtila,P*.(2023). Effects of ginger on disgust, sexual arousal, and sexual engagement: A placebo-controlled experiment. Journal of Sex Research. online published. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2023.2175191.

  19. (蔡清)Jiang,L., Zhang,R., Tao,L., Zhang,Y. Zhou,Y.*, Cai,Q*.(2023).Neural mechanisms of musical structure and tonality, and the effect of musicianship. Frontiers in Psychology. online published doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1092051.

  20. (周甯甯、席居哲)Zhou, N.*, Zhao,Y., Smith,K., Killikelly,C., Stelzer,E., Maercker,A., Xi,J.*, Helm,P.(2023). Existential isolation and prolonged grief in bereaved people: The moderating role of culture. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. online published. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2846.

  21. 周曉慧.劉妍希.陳欣.王一集.*(2023).父母教育卷入對(duì)初中生生活滿意度的(de)影(yǐng)響:校内人(rén)際關系和(hé)學業自我效能感的(de)鏈式中介作用(yòng).心理(lǐ)發展與教育. doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.05.10.






鄧賜平主編.劉金花主審. (2023).兒(ér)童發展心理(lǐ)學(第四版):探究兒(ér)童的(de)發展與教育.上海:華東師範大(dà)學出版社.















