




  • 部門: 心理(lǐ)與認知科學學院
  • 畢業院校: 劍橋大(dà)學
  • 學位: 博士
  • 學曆: 博士研究生
  • 郵編: 200063
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  • 傳真: 010-62761081
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Senior Research Fellow (後期轉爲兼職)






Research Fellow



Postdoc Fellow




周曉林(lín)教授主要研究領域爲語言認知、注意選擇與執行控制、決策與神經經濟學、社會認知與實驗社會心理(lǐ)學;任國内外多(duō)家學術刊物(wù)主編或編委;其博士畢業生獲得(de)青年長(cháng)江、青年千人(rén)、青年拔尖人(rén)才、珠江學者、青年北(běi)京學者、上海市青拔等稱号主持科技部、教育部、國家自然科學基金、英國經濟與社會研究基金等30餘項科研項目;2015 - 2022年連續多(duō)年入選Elsevier中國高(gāo)被引學者榜單。







Frontiers   in Psychology 雜(zá)志“語言科學”闆塊主編








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20226月(yuè)-        科技創新2030“腦(nǎo)科學與類腦(nǎo)研究”重大(dà)項目“中國學齡兒(ér)童腦(nǎo)智發育隊列研究”子項目“情緒與社會技能發展的(de)腦(nǎo)網絡基礎及分(fēn)化(huà)機制”,(主持,已到賬1040萬)


20191月(yuè)-202112月(yuè),國家自然科學研究基金會國際(地區(qū))合作與交流項目,價值驅動的(de)跨通(tōng)道注意加工機制 31861133012(主持,133萬)




20131月(yuè)-201512月(yuè),國家自然科學研究基金會重大(dà)研究計劃培育項目,感激(感恩)的(de)神經生物(wù)學基礎91232708 (主持,70萬)

20121月(yuè)-201512月(yuè),國家自然科學研究基金會面上項目,社會情境影(yǐng)響公平感知和(hé)社會決策的(de)認知神經機制31170972 (主持,70萬)


20101月(yuè)-201212月(yuè),國家自然科學研究基金會面上項目,不同層級句法結構中語義加工的(de)認知神經機制30970889 (主持,35萬)

20081月(yuè)-201012月(yuè),國家自然科學研究基金會面上項目,任務維度和(hé)任務無關維度特征一緻性對(duì)視覺搜索的(de)影(yǐng)響及神經機制30770712 (主持,35萬)

20051月(yuè)-200812月(yuè),國家自然科學研究基金會重點項目,基于感知學習(xí)和(hé)語言認知的(de)智能計算(suàn)模型研究60435010 (子課題負責人(rén),總經費175萬)

20051月(yuè)-200712月(yuè),國家自然科學研究基金會面上項目,沖突控制與注意定向:行爲和(hé)功能成像研究30470569 (主持,24萬)







19979月(yuè)-200010月(yuè),英國經濟與社會研究基金會(ESRC),詞彙加工的(de)跨語言研究Universal in Lexical Processing: English and Chinese” R000237356with Lorraine Tyler184千英鎊



19949月(yuè)-19978月(yuè),英國經濟與社會研究基金會(ESRC),心理(lǐ)詞典中的(de)詞彙結構The Mental Lexicon in English and Chinese: A Cross-linguistic Study”R000235571(with William Marslen-Wilson147千英鎊)




Yu, H., Gao, X., Shen, B., Hu, Y., & Zhou, X. (in press). A levels of analysis framework for studying social emotions. Nature Reviews Psychology.

Yu, W., Chen, J., Kong, Z., Sun, W., Zhou, X., Lu, L., Gao, X., Sun, H. (in press). Understanding the cognitive and neuroimaging bases underlying the detrimental impact of sleep deprivation on reciprocity, iScience.

Gao, X., Jolly, E., Yu, H., Liu, H., Zhou, X., & Chang, L. J. (in press). The psychological, computational, and neural foundations of indebtedness. Nature Communications2024 Gao et al. Nature Commuications.pdf

Hu, Y., Qiu, S., Wang, G., Liu, K., Li, W., Yu, H., & Zhou, X. (in press). Are guilt-prone power-holders less corrupt? Evidence from two online experiments. Social Psychological and Personality Science2023 Hu et al. SPPS.pdf

Luo, X., Wang, L., Gu, J., Zhang, Q., Ma, H., & Zhou, X. (2024). The benefit of making voluntary choices generalizes across multiple effectors. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31, 340-352. 2024 Luo et al. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.pdf

Luo, X. Wang, L., & Zhou, X. (2024). Volition motivates cognitive performance at the response-execution level by attenuating task-irrelevant motor activations. Cognition, 245, 105738. 2024 Luo et al. Cognition.pdf

Kang, G., Luo, X., Chen, L., Chen, J., Dai, H., & Zhou, X. (2024). Reward delays quitting in visual search. Psychological Research, 88, 404-416. 2024 Kang et al. Psychological Research.pdf

Tang, Y., Hu, Y., Zhuang, J., Feng, C., & Zhou, X., (2024). Uncovering individual variations in bystander intervention of injustice through intrinsic brain connectivity patterns. NeuroImage, 285, 12046. 2024 Tang et al. NeuroImage.pdf

Song, L., Wang, P., Li, H., Weiss, P. H., Fink, G. R., Zhou, X., & Chen, Q. (2023). Increased functional connectivity between the auditory cortex and the frontoparietal network compensates for impaired visuomotor transformation after early auditory deprivation. Cerebral Cortex, 33(22), 11126-11145. 2023 Song et al. CC.pdf

Shen, B., Chen, Y., He, Z., Li, W., Yu, H., & Zhou, X. (2023). The competition dynamics of approach and avoidance motivations following interpersonal transgression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 120 (40) e2302484120. 2023 Shen et al. PNAS.pdf

Xiao, F., Zhao, J., Fan, L., Ji, X., Fang, S., Zhang, P., Kong, X., Liu, Q., Yu, H., Zhou, X., Gao, X., & Wang, X. (2023). Understanding interpersonal dysfunction in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder through computational modeling of two social interaction tasks. Psychological Medicine, 53(12), 5569-5581.  2023 Xiao et al. Psychological Medicine.pdf

Su, Z., Zhou, X., & Wang, L. (2023). Dissociated amplitude and phase effects of alpha oscillation in a nested structure of rhythm- and sequence-based temporal expectation. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 9741-9755. 2023 Su et al. CC.pdf

Chang, W., Wang, L., Yang, R., Wang, X., Gao, Z., & Zhou, X. (2023). Representing linguistic communicative functions in the premotor cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 33(9), 5671-5689. 2023 Chang et al. Cerebral Cortex.pdf

Du, W., Yu, H., Liu, X., & Zhou, X. (2023). Mindfulness training reduces slippery slope effects in moral decision-making and moral judgment. Scientific Reports, 13, 2967. 2023 Du et al. Scientific Reports.pdf

Huang, J., Su, Z., & Zhou, X. (2023). Revisiting the Color-Motion Asynchrony. Journal of Vision, 23(1):6, 1-14. 2023 Huang et al. JOV.pdf

Huang, J., Chen, L., & Zhou, X. (2023). Self-reference modulates the perception of visual apparent motion. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85, 188-195. 2023 Huang et al. APP.pdf

Xu, S., Zhou, X., Chen, L. (2022). Intermodulation from unisensory to multisensory perception: A review. Brain Sciences, 12, 1267. 2022 Xu et al. Brain Sciences.pdf

Li, Y., Hu, J., Ruff, C. C., & Zhou, X. (2022). Neurocomputational evidence that conflicting prosocial motives guide distributive justiceProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol. 119, No. 14, e2209078119. 2022 Li et al. PNAS.pdf 2022 Li et al. PNAS supplementary.pdf

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Gong, P., Guo, W., Zhang, X., Cao, K., Wang, Q., Zhang, M., Liu, J., Fan, Y., Zhang, R., & Zhou, X. (2022). Associations of Chinese social face with cortisol level and glucocorticoid receptor gene. Current Psychology, 41, 7565-7573. 2022 Gong et al. Current Psychology.pdf

Xu, X., Yu, H., Gao, X., Shen, B., Feng, W., & Zhou, X. (2022). Understanding an implicated causality: The brain network for processing concessive relations. Brain and Language, 234, 105177. 2022 Xu et al. Brain and Language.pdf

Li, H., Song, L., Wang, P., Weiss, P. H., Fink, G. R., Zhou, X., & Chen, Q. (2022). Impaired body-centered sensorimotor transformations in congenitally deaf people. Brain Communications, 4(3), 48. 2022 Li et al. Brain Communcations.pdf

Li, X., Jiang, X., Chang, W., Tan, Y., & Zhou, X. (2022). Neural segregation in left inferior frontal gyrus of semantic processes at different levels of syntactic hierarchy. Neuropsychologia, 171, 108254. 2022 Li et al. Neuropsychologia.pdf

Yu, H., Lu, C., Gao, X., Shen, B., Liu, K., Li, W., Xiao, Y., Yang, B., Zhao, X., Crockett, M. J., & Zhou, X. (2022). Explaining individual differences in advantageous inequity aversion by social-affective trait dimensions and family environment. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(2), 626-637. 2022 Yu et al. SPPS.pdf

Luo, X., Gu, J., Zheng, Y., & Zhou, X. (2022). Making a saccadeenhances Stroop and Simon conflict control. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 795-814. 2022 Luo et al. APP.pdf

Cai, Y., Mai, Z., Zhou, X., & Ma, N. (2022). Altered frontal connectivity after sleep deprivation predicts sustained attentional impairment: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Sleep Research, 30, e13329. 2022 Cai et al. JSR.pdf

Song, S., Zilverstand, A., Gui, W., Pan, X., & Zhou, X. (2022). Reducing craving and consumption in individuals with drug addiction, obesity or overeating through neuromodulation intervention: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of its follow‐up effects. Addiction, 117, 1242-1255. 2022 Song et al. Addiction.pdf

Luo, X., Wang, L., & Zhou, X. (2022). Belief in control: Voluntary choice enhances subsequent task performance under undefeated choice-outcome causation. Cognition, 225, 105108.  2022 Luo et al. Cognition.pdf

Cheng, X., Zhu, Y., Hu,Y., Zhou, X., Pan, Y., Hu, Y. (2022). Integration of social status and trust through interpersonal brain synchronization. NeuroImage, 246, 118777.  2022 Cheng et al. NeuroImage.pdf

Yuan, D., Zhang, R., Liu, J., Feng, D., Hu, Y., Li, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, X. (2022). Interpersonal neural synchronization could predict the outcome of mate choice. Neuropsychologia, 165, 108112. 2022 Yuan et al. Neuropsychologia.pdf

Gao, X., Yu, H., Peng, L., Gong, X., Xiang, Y., Jiang, C., Zhou, X. (2021). The mutuality of social emotions: How the victim’s reactive attitude influences the transgressor’s emotional responses. NeuroImage, 244, 118631.  2021 Gao et al. NeuroImage.pdf

Hu, Y., Gao, X., Yu, H., He, Z., & Zhou, X. (2021). Neuroscience of moral decision making. In Della Sala S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioural Neuroscience, vol. 3. Elservier, pp. 481-495. 2021 Hu et al. Neuroscience of Moral Decision Making_edited.pdf

Su, Z., Wang, L., Kang, G., & Zhou, X. (2021). Reward makes the rhythmic sampling of spatial attention emerge earlier. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 1522-1537. 2021 Su et al. APP.pdf

Hu, J., Hu, Y., Li, Y., & Zhou, X. (2021). Computational and neurobiological substrates of cost-benefit integration in altruistic helping decision. Journal of Neuroscience. 41(15), 3545–3561 2021 Hu J. et al. JoN.pdf

Hu, Y., Pereira, A., Gao, X., Campos, B., Derrington, E., Corgnet, B., Zhou, X., Cendes, F., & Dreher, J.-C. (2021). Right temporoparietal junction underlies avoidance of moral transgression in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Neuroscience,

Ye, Z., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y., Li, S., Liu, N., Zhou, X., Xiao, W., & Münte, T., F. (2021). The Role of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Sequential Working Memory in De Novo Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders, 36(1), 87-95. 2021 Ye et al. Movement Disorders.pdf

Feng, W., Yu, H., & Zhou, X. (2021). Understanding particularized and generalized conversational implicatures: Is theory-of-mind necessary? Brain & Language, 212, 104878. 2021 Feng et al. Brain and Language.pdf

Yu, H.,Koban, L., Crockett, M. J., Zhou, X., & Wager, T. D. (2020). Toward a brain-based bio-marker of guilt. Neuroscience Insights, 15, 1-3. 2020 Yu et al. Neuroscience Insights.pdf

Xu, M., Li, Z., Qi, S., Fan, L., Zhou, X., & Yang, X. (2020). Social exclusion modulates dual mechanisms of cognitive control: Evidence from ERPs. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 2669–2685. 2020 Xu et al. HBM.pdf

Luo, X., Kang, G., Guo, Y.,Yu, X., & Zhou, X. (2020). A value-driven McGurk effect: Value-associated faces enhance the influence of visual information on audiovisual speech perception and its eye movement pattern. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 82, 1928–1941. 2020 Luo et al. APP.pdf

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Yu, H., Koban, L., Chang, L. J., Wagnerm U., Krishnan, A., Vuilleumier, P., Zhou, X., & Wager, T. G. (2020). A generalizable multivariate brain pattern for interpersonal guilt. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 3558-3572. 2020 Yu et al. CC.pdf

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Song, S., Zilverstand, A., Gui, W., Li, H-J., & Zhou, X. (2019). Effects of single-session versus multi-session non-invasive brain stimulation on craving and consumption in individuals with drug addiction, eating disorders or obesity: A meta-analysis. Brain Stimulation, 12, 606-618. 2019 Song et al. Brain Stimulation.pdf

Ma, S., Zhang, Y., Liu, N., Xiao, W., Li, S., Zhang, G., Zhou, X., Münte, T., F, Ye, Z. (2019) Altered transposition asymmetry in serial ordering in early Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 62, 62-67. 2019 Ma et al. Parkinsonism.pdf

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Gao, X., Yu, H., Sáez, I., Blue, P. R., Zhu, L., Hsu, M., & Zhou, X. (2018). Distinguishing neural correlates of context-dependent advantageous and disadvantageous inequity aversion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 115(33), e7683. 2018 Gao et al. PNAS.pdf 2018 Gao et al. PNAS_SI_Appendix.pdf

Yu, H., Gao, X., Zhou, Y., & Zhou, X. (2018). Decomposing gratitude: Representation and integration of cognitive antecedents of gratitude in the brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(21), 4886–4898. 2018 Yu et al. JoN.pdf

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Liu, J., Gong, P., Li, H., & Zhou, X. (2017). A field study of the association between CD38 gene and altruistic behavior: Empathic response as a mediator. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 85, 165-171. 2017 Liu et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology.pdf

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Pan, Y., Li, X., Chen, X., Ku, Y., Dong, Y., Dou, Z., He, L., Hu, Y., Li, W., & Zhou, X. (2017). ERPs and oscillations during encoding predict retrieval of digit memory in superior mnemonists. Brain and Cognition, 117, 17-25. 2017 Pan et al. Brain and Cognition.pdf

Zhan, J., Jiang, X., Politzer-Ahles, S., & Zhou, X. (2017). Neural correlates of fine-grained meaning distinctions: an fMRI investigation of scalar quantifiers. Human Brain Mapping, 38, 3848-3864. 2017 Zhan et al. HBM.pdf

Hu, J., Li, Y., Yin, Y., Blue, P. R., Yu, H., & Zhou, X. (2017). How do self-interest and other-need interact in the brain to determine altruistic behavior? Neuroimage, 157, 598-611. 2017 Hu et al. Neuroimage.pdf

Yu, H., Cai, Q., Shen, B., Gao, X., & Zhou, X. (2017). Neural substrates and social consequences of interpersonal gratitude: Intention matters. Emotion, 17(4), 589-601. 2017 Yu et al. Emotion.pdf

Feng, W., Wu, Y., Jan, C. Yu, H., Jiang, X., & Zhou, X. (2017). The effects of contextual relevance on pragmatic inference during conversation: an fMRI study. Brain and Language, 171, 52-61. 2017 Feng et al. Brain and Language.pdf

Yu, H., Duan, Y., & Zhou, X. (2017). Guilt in the eyes: Eye movement and physiological evidence for guilt induced social avoidance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 71, 128-137. 2017 Yu et al. JESP.pdf

Gong, P., Fan, H., Liu, J., Yang, X., Zhang, K., & Zhou, X. (2017). Revisiting the impact of OXTR rs53576 on empathy: A population-based study and a meta-analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 80, 131-136. 2017 Gong et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology.pdf

Liu, J., Gong, P., Gao, X., & Zhou, X. (2017). The association between well-being and the COMT gene: Dispositional gratitude and forgiveness as mediators. Journal of Affective Disorders, 214, 115-121. 2017 Liu et al. JAD.pdf

Kang, H., Wang, L., & Zhou, X. (2017). Reward interacts with modality shift to reduce cross-modal conflict. Journal of Vision, 17(1), 19, 1–14. 2017 Kang et al. JoV.pdf

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Zhao, X.,Liu, J., Gong, P., Hu, J., & Zhou, X. (2016). Investigating the genetic basis of social conformity: The role of dopamine receptor 3 (DRD3) gene. Neuropsychobiology, 74, 32-40. 2016 Zhao et al. Neuropsychobiology.pdf

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Sun, Y., Yu, H., Chen, J., Liang, J., Lu, L., Zhou, X., Shi, J. (2016) Neural substrates and behavioral profiles of romantic jealousy and its temporal dynamics. Scientific Reports, 6, 27469. 2016 Sun et al. Scientific Reports.pdf

Wu, Y., Liu, J., Qu, L., Eisenegger, C., Clark, L., & Zhou, X. (2016). Single dose testosterone administration reduces loss chasing in healthy females. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 71, 54-57. 2016 Wu et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology.pdf

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張璇、周曉林(lín)2021)神經美(měi)學視角的(de)審美(měi)愉悅加工機制。心理(lǐ)科學進展,Vol. 29, No. 10, 1847–18542021 神經美(měi)學視角的(de)審美(měi)愉悅加工機制.pdf

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羅秋鈴, 黃(huáng)露霖,侯慶輝,熱(rè)米拉·艾買提江,周夢哲,周曉林(lín),陳 雙(2020傳言對(duì)人(rén)際信任影(yǐng)響的(de)泛化(huà)效應。心理(lǐ)科學,431),165-1712020 傳言對(duì)人(rén)際信任影(yǐng)響的(de)泛化(huà)效應 心理(lǐ)科學.pdf

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趙春黎、黃(huáng)祿華、周曉林(lín)(2017)人(rén)際關系影(yǐng)響記憶從衆。心理(lǐ)與行爲研究,151),101-1072017 人(rén)際關系感知影(yǐng)響記憶從衆_發表.pdf

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劉金婷、陳曦、施惟希、沈錫遠(yuǎn)、周曉林(lín)(2012運動員(yuán)咀嚼口香糖行爲與競賽焦慮的(de)關系。心理(lǐ)科學,35( 1)197  201。2012 心理(lǐ)科學 運動員(yuán)咀嚼口香糖行爲與競賽焦慮的(de)關系.pdf

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訾非、周曉林(lín)、劉興華、潘苗苗(2011)完美(měi)主義者對(duì)不完美(měi)圖形的(de)注意偏好研究。心理(lǐ)科學,343),532-537。2011 心理(lǐ)科學 完美(měi)主義者對(duì)不完美(měi)圖形的(de)注意偏好研究.pdf

鄧曉紅、張德玄、黃(huáng)詩雪(xuě)、袁雯、周曉林(lín)(2010)阈上和(hé)阈下(xià)不同情緒線索對(duì)返回抑制的(de)影(yǐng)響。心理(lǐ)學報, 42, 325333。2010 心理(lǐ)學報 阈上和(hé)阈下(xià)不同情緒線索對(duì)返回抑制的(de)影(yǐng)響.pdf

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杜醒、南(nán)雲、周曉林(lín)、董奇(2009音(yīn)樂(yuè)與語言的(de)認知神經科學研究進展. 心理(lǐ)與行爲研究,7,76-80。2009 心理(lǐ)與行爲研究 音(yīn)樂(yuè)與語言的(de)認知神經科學研究進展.pdf

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鄧曉紅、張德玄、周曉林(lín)(2008)。注意瞬脫的(de)暫時(shí)性失控理(lǐ)論。心理(lǐ)科學,317517532008 心理(lǐ)科學 2008-注意瞬脫的(de)暫時(shí)性失控理(lǐ)論.pdf

王勇慧、周曉林(lín) (2007). 注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙認知缺損的(de)理(lǐ)論和(hé)發現。北(běi)京大(dà)學學報(醫學版),39(3), 226-228。2007 北(běi)京大(dà)學學報(醫學版) 2007-注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙認知缺損的(de)理(lǐ)論和(hé)發現.pdf

王勇慧、王玉鳳、周曉林(lín) (2007). 兩種亞型注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙兒(ér)童幹擾控制能力的(de)半球不對(duì)稱性。北(běi)京大(dà)學學報(醫學版),39(3), 266-270。2007 北(běi)京大(dà)學學報(醫學版) 2007-兩種亞型注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙兒(ér)童幹擾控制能力的(de)半球不對(duì)稱性.pdf

張德玄、周曉林(lín) (2007). Delta圖分(fēn)析方法及其在沖突控制研究中的(de)應用(yòng)。心理(lǐ)科學進展, 15(3), 545-551。2007 心理(lǐ)科學進展 2007-Delta圖分(fēn)析方法及其在沖突控制研究中的(de)應用(yòng).pdf

呂建國、王淩、周曉林(lín) (2007). 知覺負載、注意定勢與選擇性注意。心理(lǐ)科學,30(3), 558563。2007 心理(lǐ)科學 2007-知覺負載:注意定勢與選擇性注意.pdf

劉興華、錢銘怡、周曉林(lín)(2007. 高(gāo)焦慮個(gè)體對(duì)威脅性詞語的(de)注意偏向及習(xí)慣化(huà)。中國心理(lǐ)衛生雜(zá)志,21(11)769-772。2007 劉興華、錢銘怡、周曉林(lín).pdf

徐岩、周曉林(lín)、王玉鳳 (2006). 兩亞型注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙(ADHD)兒(ér)童的(de)内隐注意定向, 心理(lǐ)學報,38(5), 709-717。2006 心理(lǐ)學報 2006-兩亞型注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙(ADHD)兒(ér)童的(de)内隐注意定向.pdf

王勇慧、王玉鳳、周曉林(lín)(2006。注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙兒(ér)童在不同加工階段的(de)幹擾控制.心理(lǐ)學報, 2006, 38(02): 181-188。2006 心理(lǐ)學報 2006-注意缺陷多(duō)動障礙兒(ér)童在不同加工階段的(de)幹擾控制.pdf

嶽珍珠、黃(huáng)立、周曉林(lín)(2006.口香糖咀嚼的(de)腦(nǎo)機制心理(lǐ)科學. 29(5): 11531156 。2006 心理(lǐ)科學 2006-口香糖咀嚼的(de)腦(nǎo)機制.pdf

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王蔭華,周愛(ài)紅,周曉林(lín) (2006). 輕度阿爾茨海默病患者的(de)注意功能反應時(shí)研究. 中華神經科雜(zá)志, 39: 80-82。2006 中華神經科雜(zá)志 2006-輕度阿爾茨海默病患者的(de)注意功能反應時(shí)研究.pdf

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周愛(ài)紅,王蔭華,周曉林(lín) (2005). MCI患者注意功能障礙反應時(shí)研究. 中國神經免疫學和(hé)神經病學雜(zá)志, 12: 195-198。2005 中國神經免疫學和(hé)神經病學雜(zá)志 2005-MCI患者的(de)注意功能障礙反應時(shí)研究.pdf

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瑪依拉·亞克甫,周曉林(lín)(2004)。詞素效應到底是什(shén)麽?來(lái)自維吾爾語的(de)證據,心理(lǐ)學報,365),5155242004 心理(lǐ)學報 2004-詞素效應到底是什(shén)麽?——來(lái)自維吾爾語的(de)證據.pdf

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史藝荃, 周曉林(lín)(2004)。執行控制研究的(de)一個(gè)重要範式任務切換。心理(lǐ)科學進展,12(5)6726792004 心理(lǐ)科學進展 2004-執行控制研究的(de)重要範式——任務切換.pdf

儲衡清, 周曉林(lín)(2004)。注意捕獲與自上而下(xià)的(de)加工過程。心理(lǐ)科學進展,12(5)6806872004 心理(lǐ)科學進展 2004-注意捕獲與自上而下(xià)的(de)加工過程.pdf

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羅琳琳, 周曉林(lín)(2004)。執行功能與數量加工:回顧與展望。心理(lǐ)科學進展,12(5)7147222004 心理(lǐ)科學進展 2004-執行功能與數量加工_回顧與展望.pdf

孟祥芝,沙淑穎,周曉林(lín)(2004)。語音(yīn)意識,快(kuài)速命名與中文閱讀。心理(lǐ)科學,271326-13292004 心理(lǐ)科學 2004-語音(yīn)意識、快(kuài)速命名與中文閱讀.pdf

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周愛(ài)紅,王蔭華,周曉林(lín) (2004). 輕度認知功能障礙與輕度阿爾茨海默病患者的(de)選擇注意功能的(de)研究. 中國神經精神病雜(zá)志, 30: 374-375。2004 中國神經精神疾病雜(zá)志 2004-輕度認知功能障礙和(hé)輕度阿爾茨海默病患者的(de)選擇注意功能的(de)研究.pdf

郝晶, 李坤成, 王岩, 陳骐, 彭曉哲, 周曉林(lín) (2004). 語義判斷中選擇與抑制機制的(de)功能MRI研究. 中國醫學影(yǐng)像技術, 20: 223-226。2004 中國醫學影(yǐng)像技術 2004-語義判斷中選擇與抑制機制的(de)功能MRI研究.pdf

周曉林(lín)、莊捷、吳佳音(yīn)、楊大(dà)赫(2003),漢語詞彙産生中音(yīn)、形、義三種信息激活的(de)時(shí)間進程,心理(lǐ)學報,356, 712-718。2003 心理(lǐ)學報 2003-漢語詞彙産生中音(yīn)、形、義三種信息激活的(de)時(shí)間進程.pdf

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周曉林(lín)、曲延軒、莊捷(2003),再探漢字加工中語音(yīn)、語義激活的(de)相對(duì)時(shí)間進程,心理(lǐ)與行爲研究,14),241247。2003 心理(lǐ)與行爲研究 2003-再探漢字加工中語音(yīn)、語義激活的(de)相對(duì)時(shí)間進程.pdf

張亞旭、周曉林(lín)、闵寶權、賈建平(2003),範疇特異性損傷與人(rén)腦(nǎo)中一般知識的(de)組織,心理(lǐ)科學, 264698700。2003 心理(lǐ)科學 2003-範疇特異性損傷與人(rén)腦(nǎo)中一般知識的(de)組織.pdf

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曾飚、孟祥芝、周曉林(lín)(2003),發展性閱讀障礙的(de)注意研究現狀,心理(lǐ)發展與教育,192),9195。2003 心理(lǐ)發展與教育 2003-發展性閱讀障礙的(de)注意缺陷研究現狀.pdf

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張惠娟、李戀敬、周曉林(lín)(2003),雙語語義表征的(de)腦(nǎo)功能成像研究,北(běi)京大(dà)學學報,395),742748。2003 北(běi)京大(dà)學學報(自然科學版) 2003-雙語語義表征的(de)腦(nǎo)功能成像研究.pdf

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張亞旭、周曉林(lín)、舒華、邢紅兵(bīng)(2003),漢字識别中聲旁與整字語音(yīn)激活的(de)相對(duì)優勢,北(běi)京大(dà)學學報(自然科學版),391),126133。2003 北(běi)京大(dà)學學報(自然科學版) 2003-漢字識别中聲旁與整字語音(yīn)激活的(de)相對(duì)優勢.pdf

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張亞旭、舒華、張厚粲、周曉林(lín)(2002)話(huà)語參照(zhào)語境條件下(xià)漢語歧義短語的(de)加工。心理(lǐ)學報,34(2)126-134。2002 心理(lǐ)學報 2002-話(huà)語參照(zhào)語境條件下(xià)漢語歧義短語的(de)加工.pdf

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10 訪問
